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sabato 22 aprile 2023

Earth Day 2023

Le Nazioni Unite celebrano l'Earth Day ogni anno, un mese e due giorni dopo l'equinozio di primavera, il 22 aprile. Nata il 22 aprile 1970 per sottolineare la necessità della conservazione delle risorse naturali della Terra.

Sai cos'è una specie "ombrello"?

Sono quelle specie come l'orso che vengono protette perchè proteggendo loro si ha un effetto positivo anche su altre specie dello stesso habitat.

Invece di pensare a decimare il 50% di orsi creassero dei corridoi ecologici senza le barriere delle piste da sci, così da consentire loro di espandersi e non rimanere bloccati nella stessa area, esattamente come da protocollo firmato

GIO / Mariagrazia Quaranta 

Happy Earth Day! One of my New Yorker covers. Original art mixed media, private collection, NYC. Happy #EarthDay, may we take care of each other and honor our Mother Earth every day. 
Andrea Arroyo

Earth Day
#EarthDay #giornatamondialedellaterra #terra #pianeta #illustrazione #illustration #lelecorvi #lelecorviillustration
Lele Corvi

Giornata mondiale della Terra (disegno del 1980, più o meno).
Earth Day (cartoon more or less from 1980).
Marco De Angelis

My next illustration for a group for Earth day.
Angelo Lopez

Today's Cartoon- Earth Day
Joe Heller

Alfio Leotta

#earthday #earth #earthday2023

 Earth Day 2023 by Kevin Siers, The Charlotte Observer, NC

#EarthDay #earthday2023 International Mother Earth Day
Luc Descheemaeker / O-Sekoer

questione di filling

domani mattina, intorno alle 10, sarò al #villaggioperlaterra #earthdayitalia al Pincio, per un breve live painting
sempre lì, martedì saremo in concerto con gli Her Pillow alle 19
vi aspetto, però non per due giorni, a un certo punto me ne vado, poi torno
Fabio Magnasciutti

Fulvio Fontana

mercoledì 1 giugno 2016

Angelo Lopez wins the 2016 RFK Journalism Award for Cartoons

Fonte Michael Cavna

On May 25, Angelo Lopez will receive the RFK Journalism Award for Cartoons in a ceremony at the Newseum.
“I’m thrilled to receive the award,” Lopez tells The Post’s Comic Riffs, “and a little stunned, too.”
The RFK Journalism Awards, as presented by the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rightsorganization, “celebrate excellence” in a dozen categories, including investigative reporting, new media and international photography. (To see the full list of 2016 RFK journalism and book award recipients, including Post associate editor David Maraniss, click here.)
Lopez, who studied illustration at San Jose State, has been a political cartoonist at the Bay Area-based Philippines Today since 2012, while also working at a library. The author-artist’s cartoons last year offered sharp commentary on such issues as religious intolerance, sexual violence, women’s rights and censorship. He especially spotlights the challenges faced by marginalized Filipino Americans and Filipinos overseas.

Comic Riffs caught up with Lopez to talk about his influences, his heroes and the current state of controversial politics in the Philippines:
MICHAEL CAVNA: Congratulations on the award, Angelo. How did you receive the news … and have you yet received the standard call from the Kennedy family to congratulate you?
ANGELO LOPEZ: Robert Kennedy is one of my biggest heroes, and I admire all the social-justice work that the Kennedy family has done for our country. I received the news about a week ago. I got an email at my work, then received a call and found out I won the award. I was happy and also a bit stunned. It was a very surreal moment. When I was hearing about the news, I kept thinking to myself: “This doesn’t seem real.” I had won the Sigma Delta Chi award a few weeks ago, and was still getting over the thrill about that.
I haven’t received a call yet from one of the Kennedy family, but I’m going to meet Ethel and Kerry Kennedy in two weeks. … I’m excited and very nervous to meet [them]. I have a tendency to put my foot in my mouth when I get starstruck, and I’m definitely going to be starstruck when I meet Ethel and Kerry. My wife Lisa will be with me, so I’m hoping she slaps me upside the head before I do something that is too embarrassing.
MC: What were some of the hot-button issues that you think made for striking cartoons in your winning portfolio? Were there political or social matters you felt particularly passionate about last year?
AL: Over the years, I’ve focused a lot on the struggles of overseas Filipino workers and the struggles in this country of domestic workers. I think it’s important to comment on the most marginalized members of the Filipino American community, and to highlight the struggles of Filipinos overseas, and I think the judges detected that. In Mindanao, for instance, there is a lot of violence between the indigenous people and mining companies over the right to extract mineral resources from the land. Pope Francis’s efforts to reform the Catholic Church are having profound effects on Filipino Americans, as they are predominantly Catholic. This will effect Filipino attitudes towards divorces, LGBT individuals and the poor.
MC: Do you think you are continuing to improve and just get better, year to year [after eight years in the industry]?
AL: I think I’m improving. I’m always trying out new techniques whenever I see something I like. I work in a library to pay the bills, so I get exposed to a lot of great art books, graphic novels and comic collections. [···]

Angelo Lopez per Cartoon Movement
Su Fany-Blog anche:
Domande al Papa di un non credente.

Tutti i vincitori

48th Annual Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Awards (for 2015 Coverage)

High School Broadcast Winner
“The Jellybean Jar of Life: Nick’s Story,” Becca Kristofferson, Jacob Jaeger, Dylan Goodman, and Seamus Levin, Mexico High School, Missouri

High School Print Winner
“What One Family Can Never Forget,” Anthony Kristensen, North Star, Francis Howell North High School, Missouri

College Journalism Winner
“Land of Broken Promises,” Depth Reporting Class, Meek School of Journalism and New Media, University of Mississippi

Domestic Print Winner
“Beware the Fine Print,” Jessica Silver-Greenberg, Michael Corkery, Robert Gebeloff, and Christine Kay, The New York Times

International Print Winner
“Seafood from Slaves, “ Martha Mendoza, Margie Mason, Robin McDowell, and Esther Htusan, The Associated Press

Domestic Photography Winner
“The Geography of Poverty,” Matt Black, MSNBC

International Photography Winner
“Europe’s Migrant Crisis,” Carolyn Cole, Los Angeles Times

Radio Winner
“Injured Nurses,” Daniel Zwerdling, NPR News

New Media Winner
“Exxon: The Road Not Taken”, Neela Banerjee, John Cushman, Jr., David Hasemyer, and Lisa Song, InsideClimate News

Cartoon Winner
“Editorial Cartoons,” Angelo Lopez, Philippines Today

Domestic Television Winner
“Citizenfour,” Laura Poitras, HBO

International Television Winner
“Escaping Isis,” Edward Watts, Raney Aronson, John Bredar, Andrew Metz, and Evan Williams, FRONTLINE/WGHB

giovedì 21 novembre 2013

Le Filippine colpite dal super tifone Hayan

4 milioni di bambini colpiti dal tifone nelle Filippine.
Ma come fanno i tifoni a beccare sempre i più poveri?
Four million children hit by thipoon in the Philippines.
But how the typhoons always manage to spot the poorest people?
Enzo Apicella

Scrive Silvestro Montanaro: Più di diecimila morti a causa di uno spaventoso tifone nelle Filippine. Il racconto della gran parte dei media si ferma a questo. Punta il dito sulla violenza assassina della tempesta. E a me viene una gran rabbia, un gran senso di nausea per questo modo superficiale, menzognero ed offensivo di raccontare le cose. Mi è capitato di esser presente nel corso di terribili tempeste. Ero in albergo. Le ho viste dalla finestra, assolutamente al sicuro. A morire, in assoluta maggioranza, erano e sono quelli che non possono mettersi al sicuro. Nelle Filippine ci sono baraccopoli immense. Poveri pali e tetti di cartone. Ci vivono milioni di esseri umani. Indifesi. Anche quando c’è il sole. Muoiono i poveri sotto l’unica tempesta assassina che io conosca. L’ingiustizia.

martedì 20 agosto 2013

Domande al Papa di un non credente.

Casting the First Stone
Angelo Lopez
A cartoon on LGBT rights, the Philippines Roman Catholic Church and Pope Francis's recent comments about respecting and not judging gay people. Published in the August 14, 2013 edition of the Philippines Today 17 Aug 2013 Cartoon Movement

In questo post trovate la bella riflessione di Eugenio Scalfari su Papa Francesco 
insieme ad una selezione di vignette 
di famosi artisti internazionali, con  diversi significativi temi.
 Per lui non esistono tabù, o frontiere invalicabili. A Rio, difatti, ha detto "sogno una Chiesa senza frontiere". Esiste il Vangelo, non esistono limiti.E non esistono situazioni esistenziali che impediscano al Vangelo di entrare»

Le domande di un non credente
al papa gesuita chiamato Francesco
Il pontefice argentino è lo scandalo benefico della Chiesa di Roma. Ma cosa risponderebbe agli interrogativi di un illuminista?

PAPA Francesco è stato eletto al soglio petrino da pochissimi mesi ma continua a dare scandalo ogni giorno. Per come veste, per dove abita, per quello che dice, per quello che decide. Scandalo, ma benefico, tonificante, innovativo.