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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Latuff. Mostra tutti i post

domenica 6 settembre 2015

Paesi del golfo arabo: 0 rifugiati

In de islam wordt sadaqah (liefdadigheid) zeer hoog gewaardeerd. Zie de Golfstaten.
Joep Bertrams

#Refugees welcomed by:

Saudi... 0
Kuwait... 0
Qatar... 0
Emirates... 0
Bahrain... 0


Migrant crisis: Why Syrians do not flee to Gulf states
By Amira Fathalla
As the crisis brews over Syrian refugees trying to enter European countries, questions have been raised over why they are not heading to wealthy Gulf states closer to home.
Although those fleeing the Syrian crisis have for several years been crossing into Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey in huge numbers, entering other Arab states - especially in the Gulf - is far less straightforward.
Officially, Syrians can apply for a tourist visa or work permit in order to enter a Gulf state.
But the process is costly, and there is a widespread perception that many Gulf states have unwritten restrictions in place that make it hard for Syrians to be granted a visa in practice.

Most successful cases are Syrians already in Gulf states extending their stays, or those entering because they have family there.
For those with limited means, there is the added matter of the sheer physical distance between Syria and the Gulf.
Not welcome?
This comes as part of wider obstacles facing Syrians, who are required to obtain rarely granted visas to enter almost all Arab countries.
Without a visa, Syrians are not currently allowed to enter Arab countries except for Algeria, Mauritania, Sudan and Yemen.
The relative wealth and proximity to Syria of the states has led many - in both social and as well as traditional media - to question whether these states have more of a duty than Europe towards Syrians suffering from over four years of conflict and the emergence of jihadist groups in the country.

The Arabic hashtag #Welcoming_Syria's_refugees_is_a_Gulf_duty has been used more than 33,000 times on Twitter in the past week.
Users have posted powerful images to illustrate the plight of Syrian refugees, with photos of people drowned at sea, children being carried over barbed wire, or families sleeping rough.
A Facebook page called The Syrian Community in Denmark has shared a video showing migrants being allowed to enter Austria from Hungary, prompting one user to ask: "How did we flee from the region of our Muslim brethren, which should take more responsibility for us than a country they describe as infidels?"
Another user replied: "I swear to the Almighty God, it's the Arabs who are the infidels."
'Let them in!'
The story has also attracted the attention of regional press and political actors.

Cartoon originally published in Saudi Makkah newspaper, seen here onTwitter

The Saudi daily Makkah Newspaper published a cartoon - widely shared on social media - that showed a man in traditional Gulf clothing looking out of a door with barbed wire around it and pointing at door with the EU flag on it.
"Why don't you let them in, you discourteous people?!" he says.
The commander of the opposition Free Syrian Army (FSA), Riyad al-Asaad, retweeted an image of refugees posted by a former Kuwaiti MP, Faisal al-Muslim, who had added the comment: "Oh countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council, these are innocent people and I swear they are most deserving of billions in aid and donations."
But despite the appeals from social media, Gulf states' position seems unlikely to shift in favour of Syrian refugees.

In terms of employment, the trend in most Gulf states, such as Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the UAE is towards relying on migrant workers from South-East Asia and the Indian subcontinent, particularly for unskilled labour.
While non-Gulf Arabs do occupy positions in skilled mid-ranking jobs, for example in education and health, they are up against a "nationalisation" drive whereby the Saudi and Kuwaiti governments in particular are seeking to prioritise the employment of locals.
Non-native residents may also struggle to create stable lives in these countries as it is near impossible to gain nationality.
In 2012, Kuwait even announced an official strategy to reduce the number of foreign workers in the emirate by a million over 10 years.

Wealthy Arab States refuse refugees

no quarrel about refugees

Che cosa fanno l'Arabia Saudita e gli altri paesi del golfo arabo?
Jan Erik Ander

venerdì 14 agosto 2015

Cecil The Lion , the cartoons.

Che cosa è una vita palestinese Worth? #CecilTheLion #WasBurnedAlive

Zimbabwe. Il clamore generato dalla morte del leone Cecil, simbolo del paese, lascia perplessi i cittadini dello Zimbawe
«Sì, è crudele. Ma io non capisco tutta questa storia. Ci sono così tanti problemi più urgenti in Zimbabwe, scarsità d'acqua, mancano l'elettricità, il lavoro ... e la gente fa tanto rumore per un leone? "  Eunice Chunice , un residente della capitale Harare  intervistato sul sito New Zimbabwe(qui l'articolo originale)

La notizia: Cecil, leone maschio, stella di Hwange National Park (Zimbabwe), è stato ucciso da un dentista americano il 1 ° luglio del 2015. L'americano avrebbe pagato 55.000 dollari per avere il trofeo. Egli si dichiara ignaro che fosse un animale protetto. Il felino è stato attirato fuori dal parco con inganno e qui ferito prima con una freccia e poi ucciso e decapitato.

Tanta l'indignazione nel mondo e tante le vignette che vanno oltre alla notizia con tanti e diversi interrogativi a seconda della nazionalità dell'autore.


Pierre Ballouhey
Tous les dentistes ne sont pas des ordures comme Walter James Palmer. Il y en a qui aiment les lions et qui les soignent, mais ils n'en mènent pas large.

Peter Brookes

Dave Brown per The Indipendent

Ed Hall

African Lion

Bastard of the year
Stephff art


The killed lion Cecil

Bruno Bozzetto disegno del 2014, ma purtroppo sempre attuale

sabato 25 luglio 2015

#Suruc, la denuncia di Latuff

Cartoon of the Day: ISIS Attack on Socialist Pro-Kurd Activists. Surprise? Via @BirGun_Gazetesi
Carlos Latuff - 20 luglio 2015





venerdì 20 giugno 2014

World Cup 2014 : the BeauTiFUL GAME

FIFA Brings you the BeauTiFUL GAME

Joseph Sepp Blatter
di David Rowe

by fabiomagnasciutti

Meine Mission...
... ist noch nicht beendet!!
(la mia missione... non è ancora finita!! )

Schrank -The Indipendent 

Start of the World cup

A more truthful doodle...
... for FIFA World Cup 2014. 14 Jun 2014

World Cup 2014
Paolo Lombardi
. 26 Apr 2014

After a year of protest and unrest, will the World Cup prove to be a (rather expensive) pacifier for the Brazilian population? 11 Jun 2014

The disquieting World Cup
Paolo Lombardi
. 10 Jun 2014

PS: anche qui Coppa per chi?

World Cup 2014: free kick with barrier
Paolo Lombardi
Ronaldo and Brasilian police "CHOQUE" 10 Jun 2014

View from the Favelas
Tjeerd Royaards
Next month the World Cup starts in Brazil. The favelas will have a great view. 19 May 2014

The referee / COLOR #149887 By Angel Boligan, El Universal, Mexico City, - 6/17/2014

By Angel Boligan, El Universal, Mexico City, - 6/17/2014

by Riziano Riverso

Campionato Mondiale di Calci... e pure di manganellate!
by Tiziano Riverso

Maradona: “Será un gran mundial pero no se puede tapar a la gente con cemento” Charge @operamundi

Brasile, cresce la protesta.
Mauro Biani

Al mercato

 In porta
La vignetta da una foto originale di Silvia Sanchini.
Mauro Biani

Un poco de futbol por aquello de que ya viene el mundial !!!

Un po ' di calcio, perché questo è già il mondo!

Fattening FIFA
Silvano Mello
Estimates say FIFA will make 2.61 billion dollars profit from the 2014 World Cup. 20 Jun 2014



By Alex Falco

martedì 25 marzo 2014

Divieto di twitter in Turchia

Erdogan tenta di contrastare il dissenso proibendo l'accesso ai Social Network ma la sua fine politica sembrea ormai segnata.
(vignetta pubblicata nel giugno del 2013 su  CARTOONMOVEMENT )

L’oscuramento di twitter si rivela un boomerang globale per il premier turco Erdogan. Il web è stato invaso dall’hashtag #TwitterisblockedinTurkey e dalle spiegazioni di esperti informatici su come aggirare il divieto di cinguettare imposto ad Ankara.
L’onda della protesta è stata immediatamente cavalcata anche dall’opposizione.
“Il divieto sarà tolto presto, non importa se lo vogliono o no. L’immagine della Turchia è rovinata. Tutti i Paesi civili del mondo hanno criticato la Turchia per questo divieto” ha affermato Levent Gok, deputato del Partito popolare repubblicano.
Da quando è stato imposto il bavaglio, in realtà in Turchia si twitta molto più di prima. Il tentativo di Erdogan di arginare la diffusione delle intercettazioni sullo scandalo corruzione che lo vede coinvolto, in vista delle amministrative del 30 marzo, si sono infranti contro la forza del web.

ne yaparsan yap..
o kuşlar yine uçacak..
ne kadar engellesen de..
doğrular toplumla buluşacak!!!.
Erdogan Karayel

TWITTER BLOCKED IN TURKEY after PM Erdogan vow’s to eradicate!!
by erdogan karayel

Censur i Turkiet
Jan-Erik Ander

Turkey: Erdogan's censorship
Paolo Lombardi
. 08 Mar 2014

Erdogan's Fear
Brandan Reynolds
Turkish PM has blocked Twitter after allegations of corruption were posted on the site. But thousands of people have found ways to skirt the restrictions, and sharing instructions on how to do so. 21 Mar 2014

By Petar Pismestrovic, Kleine Zeitung, Austria - 3/21/2014

Erdogan vs Twitter

Erdogan blocks Twitter
 By Arend Van Dam, - 3/21/2014

twitter yok!
Sofia Mamalinga
Tayyip Erdogan forbids twitter in Turkey 21 Mar 2014

The Tweater
The dish of the day in Turkey 21 Mar 2014

Erdogan turns off Twitter
By Emad Hajjaj, Jordan - 3/22/2014

Web runner
Erdogan's attempt to block Twitter in Turkey proved to be quite impossible. After he threatened to limit the social media, the number of Twitter users has doubled. 23 Mar 2014

The bird must die!

Carlos Latuff

Hurriyet Daily News @HDNER
No drop in number of tweets despite ban, becomes TT 

Animation: Turkey’s Twitter via
Ann Telnaes

You've been quoted in my story ""

 Turkey twitter



Da tempo c'era più che un sospetto di corruzione del Premier turco Erdogan ma la pubblicazione delle telefonate con il figlio Bilal sul come far "sparire" milioni di Euro ha fatto esplodere il caso con il crollo della Lira turca e della Borsa.
Troppo spesso dietro le roboanti promesse di riforme ideali e progressiste dei Leaders si nascondono squallidi casi di furto con destrezza.
(votabile su CARTOONMOVEMENT) 01/03/2014

Loop for Erdogan
By Petar Pismestrovic, Kleine Zeitung, Austria - 12/26/2013

Erdogan on a tottering thron
 By Riber Hansson, Sydsvenskan - 12/26/2013

Ultima ora :
Oggi 27 Marzo
Turchia, Erdogan “spegne” YouTube
Dopo Twitter il governo colpisce la piattaforma di video.Il premier accusa
i social network di essere strumento di un complotto contro il suo esecutivo

Il web protesta per Twitter bloccato in Turchia, in tanti aggirano il divieto

No drop in number of tweets despite ban, #TwitterisblockedinTurkey becomes TT