Mi scrive Marilena Nardi di far passare una mail
Donare un cartoon per il Giappone
1 - le opere sono a tema libero. Sono richiesti degli originali e nel caso si tratti di stampe digitali, la firma va apposta "in umido" (lascio a voi ogni possibile battuta...)
2 - sul retro dell'opera vanno indicati nome, indirizzo postale, recapito email dell'autore
3 - Vanno inviate a Zoran Petrovic (più sotto trovate l'indirizzo), ideatore dell'iniziativa, entro il 20 maggio.
Le opere verranno esposte a
Komische Pinakothek a Monaco www.komische-pinakothek.de
Cartooning for Japan - a new date
Dear colleagues and friends,
on attachment you will find the new date and place for the exhibition for Japan, and the new deadline, too.
There is also the list from colleagues we have received works until this moment. Thanks a lot!
And last but not least, a kind letter from FECO JAPAN´s president Yoshiaki Yokota. Please remind to send some works directly by e-mail to Mr Yokota, too. His e-mail-address is: yoshiakiyokota@yahoo.co.jp
Thanks again and have a good week,
Marlene Pohle
Marlene Pohle
FECO Vice-president general
Cartooning for Japan
FECO wants to get involved in a new -and urgent- solidarity action. The
action is about Japan, and anyway everyone knows the question.
We want to organize an exhibition including artworks by FECO members or not
FECO members. The works will be offered for purchase and the total income
will be given to an institution responsible to help victims of the japanese
disaster even if it is in a modest fashion.
Zoran Petrovic, in charge of the layout of the FECO Bulletin, suggested this
idea, then you can send your works at his post address :
Zoran Petrovic
Karlstrasse 65
76137 Karlsruhe
We ask everyone who wants to help us for one or several cartoons,
preferently originals ; you can send also digital cartoons, but the print
out must be signed by the artist. The theme is free, but please, write your
name and your address , and your e-mail address on the back of the cartoon.
“FEderation of Cartoonists Organizations” organized an exhibition of cartoons of the FECO members and a sale of the exhibited works. The benefits will be fully handed over to a responsible institution for help in Japan.
The exhibition will take place mid-April at the gallery EigenArt in Karlsruhe.
Click here to browse the FECO website
Consultez ici le site web de la FECO

By Patrick Chappatte
The International Herald Tribune
67 autori hanno risposto all'appello
(67 Pictures)
Bellissima iniziativa.