37 disegnatori internazionale membri di Cartoonin for Peace
celebrano a Strasburgo i diritti umani, la pace e la democrazia.
Per l'Italia è presente Marilena Nardi.
Più informazioni

Antonio (Portugal), Bado (Canada), Boligán (Mexico), Camdelafu (Venezuela), Chappatte (Switzerland), Dlog (Tunisia), Uri Fink (Israel), Ali Ghamir
(Morocco), Glez (Burkina Faso), Xavier Gorce (France), Khalid Gueddar (Morocco), Kak (France), Kazanevsky (Ukraine), Khalil (Palestine), Michel
Kichka (Israel), L’Andalou (Algeria), Yannick Lefrançois (France), Denis Lopatin (Russia), Pedro x. Molina (Nicaragua), Mykaïa (France), Nardi (Italy),
Needall (Tunisie), Pierre Pauma (France), Plantu (France), Rayma (Venezuela), Lars Refn (Denmark), Tjeerd Royaards (the Netherlands), Izel Rozental
(Turkey), Laurent Salles (France), Ann Telnaes (United States of America), Nicolas Vadot (Belgique), Wiglaf (France), Yemi (Ethiopia), Z (Tunisia),
Willy Zekid (Republic of Congo), Zlatkovsky (Russia), Zohoré (Ivory Coast)
Editorial cartooning, the art of political incorrectness
Thursday 7 November, 5:00 pm, hemicycle of the Council of Europe
With Ann Telnaes (United States), António (Portugal), Chappatte (Switzerland), Glez (Burkina Faso), Kichka (Israel), Plantu (France),
Rayma (Venezuela) and Zlatkovsky (Russia). Moderator: Vladimir Vasak (Arte)
Don’t shoot the press cartoonist! - Inventory and solutions for the support to press cartoonists
Wednesday 6 November, 9:00 am - 12:45pm, room 10, Council of Europe
With all the press cartoonists of Cartooning for Peace
The press cartoon in the service of Media and Information Literacy and Global citizenship education in the world
Wednesday 6 November, 2:00 pm - 5:00pm, room 10 Council of Europe
With all the press cartoonists of Cartooning for Peace
Freedom of expression and protection of journalists
Friday 8 November, 9:00 am – 10 :30 am, hemicycle of the Council of Europe
With Plantu (France), Founder and Honorary President of Cartooning for Peace, and Pedro X. Molina (Nicaragua)
Press cartoonists in action (collective mural)!
Wednesday 6 November, 5 :00 pm - 6:30pm, entrance of the hemicycle of the Council of Europe
The opening will be in the presence of Dunja Mijatovic, Human Rights Commissionner of the Council of Europe at 6:30pm.
The press cartoonists will live draw all the debates and sessions during the World Forum for Democracy
Human Rights, still some way to go?
Terrasse du Palais Rohan, until the 8th of November
November 6-8, Entrance hall of the Council of Europe
Press cartoon : a state of affairs
November 8 - December 20, Grand Est Region Headquarters. Opening on 8 November at 6:00 pm in presence of Plantu (France)
and all the press cartoonists of Cartooning for Peace
Cartooning for Peace
November 6 -8, Bas-Rhin Department Hall
Cartooning for Peace and Democracy
November 6-8, Council of Europe
Educational workshops
Thursday 7 November, 10:30 am - 12:00 pm and 1:30pm - 3:00 pm, Council of Europe
With Laurent Salles (France) and Willy Zekid (Republic of the Congo)
Educational conference
With Kichka (Israel), Nardi (Italy) et Willy Zekid (Republic of the Congo) and Plantu (France)
Friday 8 November, 1:30pm - 3:00 pm, Department Hall of Bas-Rhin (only for students)
Friday 8 November, 8 :00 pm, Region Headquarters (for students only)
With all the press cartoonists of Cartooning for Peace and students
Strasbourg is the European city at heart, involved in the defense of Human Rights and Democracy. Cartoo-
ning for Peace wants to celebrate its fundamental values in this highly symbolic territory.
In 2019 we also celebrate the 70th year of the Council of Europe, the 60th year of the European Court of Human Rights and the French Presidency of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe.
Thanks to the strong partnership built up with Ms Dunja Mijatovic, Councif of Europe Commissioner for
Human Rights, that allowed Cartooning for Peace to produce the exhibition « Human Rights, still some way to go ? », Cartooning for Peace will make of the city of Strabourg the capital of press cartooning, during the fall of 2019. It will gather editorial press cartoonists from all over the world to debate on these questions
through that universal and humoristic language.
Created in 2006 at the initiative of Kofi Annan, Nobel Peace Prize and former
General Secretary of the United Nations, and French press cartoonist Plantu,
Cartooning for Peace is a international network of cartoonists committed to the
promotion of freedom of expression, Human Rights and mutual respect among
people upholding different cultures and believes, using the universal language
of press cartoons.
Marilena Nardi (Italy)
Born in 1966, Marilena Nardi started teaching at the Acade-
my of Arts in Venice in 1992. She has collaborated with many
Italian newspapers such as Corriere della Sera, Diario, Barri-
cate! or L’Antitempo. She has received more than 50 awards
in her career and she is now drawing for Il Fatto Quotidiano,
for the quarterly magazine Espoir and for online newspapers
such as Aspirina, la rivista. She is also a member of United
Sketches and France Cartoon.