Sotto il Kilt?
Il referendum per l'indipendenza della Scozia fa tremare Londra. Per la prima volta i "SI" hanno superato i "NO" anche se di poco. Grande l'incertezza sugli effetti di una eventuale secessione sia per la Scozia che per il Regno Unito. C'è sicuramente chi crede il contrario ma, a mio parere, una maggiore convinzione nel federalismo europeo avrebbe potuto prevenire e dirimere le ormai numerose spinte autonomistiche troppo facilmente cavalcate da pericolosi nazionalismi.
By Cam Cardow, Cagle Cartoons - 9/10/2014
Scotland Referendum Bagpipes Player
By Petar Pismestrovic, Kleine Zeitung, Austria - 9/10/2014
kind of their own
By Joep Bertrams, The Netherlands - 9/11/2014
Scot Free
By Steve Sack, The Minneapolis Star Tribune - 9/12/2014
Scotland's Voice
By Patrick Chappatte, The International New York Times - 9/14/2014
Scotland about to vote
By Patrick Chappatte, Le Temps, Switzerland - 9/15/2014
Highs and lows of the United Kingdom
By Patrick Chappatte, NZZ am Sonntag - 9/15/2014
Scottish Independence
By Bob Englehart, The Hartford Courant - 9/16/2014
Scotland Going Solo
By Pat Bagley, Salt Lake Tribune - 9/16/2014
Scottish face-off
By Taylor Jones, El Nuevo Dia, Puerto Rico - 9/17/2014
Scottish independence: the unanswered question
Chris Riddell on Alex Salmond's big dilemma-The Guardian
Scottish independence: down boy!
Chris Riddell on how the Bank of England will shackle Alex Salmond - The Guardian
Steve Bell on Scottish independence – cartoon The Guardian
Martin Rowson on the Scottish independence referendum – cartoon The Guardian
Scottish independence
Steve Bell on Scotland breaking away from the UK The Guardian
Steve Bell on Alex Salmond and the Scottish referendum – cartoon The Guardian

Peter Brookes
Adams Telegraph
BOB Telegraph
Dave Brown -The Indipendent
Scotland monster
Mauro Biani per Polisblog