lunedì 17 febbraio 2025

Trump Gaza

Modificato oggi 26/02/25 ore 12

 Il presidente degli Stati Uniti Donald Trump ha dichiarato di essere impegnato a "comprare e prendere" Gaza e che altri Paesi del Medio Oriente potrebbero contribuire alla sua ricostruzione.

"Sono impegnato a comprare e possedere Gaza. Per quanto riguarda la nostra ricostruzione, potremmo darla ad altri Stati del Medio Oriente per costruirne alcune parti.

Durante una conferenza stampa con il premier israeliano Benjamin Netanyahu a Washington martedì, Trump ha dichiarato che "gli Stati Uniti prenderanno il controllo della Striscia di Gaza" e ne faranno una "Riviera del Medio Oriente".

Trasferiremo la popolazione palestinese in altri Paesi!

Last resort.

#Trump #Gaza #Israel

Marilena Nardi

This will likely not be the last appearance of "Maga-Man".

Kal / Kevin Kallaugher

Gaza Beach

Portos / Franco Portinari

#Gaza #Trump #Riviera
Sparale sempre più grosse e ripetile, ripetile, ripetile, qualcosa resterà.
Sono macerie mie.
Mauro Biani "Riviera di Gaza"...nel "sogno pazzo" di Donald...
illustrazione dell'autore Andre Carrilho...#andrecarrilho

These days I feel I'm simply illustrating the news instead of making satirical drawings. Today's cartoon for Trouw:

Tjeerd Royaards

Award for the best proposal of the year.
( The Cartoon Movement)
#DonaldTrump #president #gaza #greatidea #crazy #middleeast #palestine #usa #tourism #refugees #satire #satira #thecartoonmovement #courrierinternationational #cartooningforpeace #lemonde #pagina21

Chris Riddell

Riviera Genocide Club
The world's elite having fun in the sun.

Gaza Europe Musk Putin Trump israel Genocide meloni pool skulls holiday


Jeremy Bowen: Trump's Gaza plan won't happen, but it will have consequences

Listen to Jeremy read this article on BBC Sounds
Donald Trump's plan for the US to "take over" and "own" Gaza, resettling its population in the process, is not going to happen. It requires the co-operation of Arab states that have rejected it.

They include Jordan and Egypt - countries that Trump wants to take in Gaza's Palestinians - and Saudi Arabia, which might be expected to foot the bill.

Western allies of the US and Israel are also against the idea.

Some - perhaps many - Palestinians in Gaza might be tempted to get out if they had the chance.

But even if a million left, as many as 1.2m others would still be there.

Presumably the United States - the new owners of Trump's "Riviera of the Middle East" - would have to use force to remove them.

After America's catastrophic intervention in Iraq in 2003, that would be deeply unpopular in the US.

It would be the final end of any lingering hope that a two-state solution was possible. That is the aspiration that a conflict more than a century old could be ended with the establishment of an independent Palestine alongside Israel.

The Netanyahu government is adamantly against the idea, and over years of failed peace talks, "two states for two peoples" became an empty slogan.

But it has been a central plank of US foreign policy since the early 1990s.

The Trump plan would also violate international law.

America's already threadbare assertions that it believes in a rules-based international order would dissolve. Russia's territorial ambitions in Ukraine and China's in Taiwan would be turbocharged.


Il presidente Trump condivide un video sulla sua visione di intelligenza artificiale per la Striscia di Gaza, che si conclude con Trump che beve un drink in piscina con Benjamin Netanyahu.

Nel video si vedono anche uomini barbuti in bikini.

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