Prima parte
Turkey : cartoons for ISTANBUL PROTESTS
vignette dalla Turchia:
Ben yanmasam,
sen yanmasan,
biz yanmasak,
nasıl çıkar karanlıklar aydınlığa..
... ...
bir ağaç gibi tek ve hür...
bir orman gibi kardeşçesine..
Nazım Hikmet
grafik: by Karayel grafica: by Karayel
donquichotte /Erdogan Karayel
donquichotte /Erdogan Karayel
SILENT PROTEST for TREES in TAKSIM SQUARE: Police forces attacked Taksim Gezi Park protesters in Istanbul at dawn with tear gas and violence for a second consecutive day this morning...
Taksim'deki agaçları yıkmayın, beyler!
Firuz Kutal
THE PEOPLE/ Halk... 01/06/2013
Firuz Kutal
art by Firuz©Kutal / In case of clashes with police forces in Taksim og in other places who support Taksim protests, young people had prepared themselves to everything by writing "my blood type is ..." on their arms.
/ Her olasiliga hazırlıklı Taksim'deki ve onlari baska kentlerde destekleyen gençlerin kollarında kan gruplarını görmek mümkün...
Firuz Kutal

Resistance 1
Menekse Cam
Freedom, democracy and the republic are under a great threat for 10 years in Turkey. The Republic of Turkey was destroying by the government. Especially in recent years the prime minister became a real dictator with his decisions. Turkish People resists for the government to resign in very hard conditions for 6 days. 03 Jun 2013
Resistance 2
Menekse Cam
Freedom, democracy and a republic are under a great threat for 10 years in Turkey. The Republic of Turkey was destroying by the government. Especially in recent years the prime minister became a real dictator with his decisions. Turkish People resists for the government to resign in very hard conditions for 6 days. 03 Jun 2013
The Power of The Public
Menekse Cam
Resistance for the freedom. 04 Jun 2013
Menekse Çam - Hand in hand against fascism
Twit resistance
by Ercan Baysal
Bülent ORANGE Gas Grenades
by Hilmi
Qualche foto:
Turchia: la lotta creativa delle vignette di Gubitosa
Grazie al potente linguaggio della satira e dell'illustrazione (che si muove anche sul piano simbolico, grafico e "non verbale" superando le barriere linguistiche) possiamo entrare in contatto piu' facilmente con il "cuore" di una protesta e con lo spirito che anima i suoi sostenitori. Rassegna (parziale e non esaustiva) delle tante iniziative di "sostegno creativo" realizzate dai vignettisti solidali con la protesta di Istanbul, tra cui anche autori italiani. )
Turkish Cartoonists Siding with Protesters
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Turkey : cartoons for
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