dedicato al papà dei Muppets Jim Henson.
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Como todos los meses, ya está lista la edición de Artefacto Nro. 30, que viene con buen material de lectura para los amantes del arte gráfico, la caricatura y la ilustración. Hay una entrevista con el ilustrador argentino Nico Di Mattia, un homenaje al maestro del arte fantástico Frank Frazetta, que murió a principios de este mes; además de otro al gran Jim Henson, creador de los fabulosos Muppets. Y hay más, así que no se la pierdan. Pueden descargarla de aquí:
L'intervista la potete leggere nel PDF che troverete nel link sopra.
Come di consueto ho fatto una piccola ricerca sull'autore intervistato.
Conoscevo già Nico di Mattia dal blogroll di Portos e sono incantata dalla sua bravura.
L'intervista la potete leggere nel PDF che troverete nel link sopra.
Come di consueto ho fatto una piccola ricerca sull'autore intervistato.
Conoscevo già Nico di Mattia dal blogroll di Portos e sono incantata dalla sua bravura.
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ritratto di Jim Henson
dal Artblog of Nico Di Mattia
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Alcune delle splendide caricature dal sito di Nico di Mattia ARTWORKS

La biografia:
Ever since he was a child, he was attracted to the arts, comic books, animation and narration.
In 1998, at the age of 15, he independently published his first comic book.
It was during his first year at Cordoba´s National University that Nico made his very first “speedpainting”. It was a painting of the poster from “Planet of the Apes“, created on his bedroom wall with acrylics. This process, which he recorded on VHS, was accelerated and musicalized, resulting in a performance that he called “Arte Fusion”.
On 2002 he made his first animated short film, and it was selected to be part of the International Animation Festival “Anima 03″.
On 2005 he graduated as a Technician Producer In Audiovisual Media and he directed the short fantasy film “La liga de los Imperfectos”, which took part and was awarded in various National and International Film Festivals.
In 2006 he was the key co-animator in a cartoon series and TV commercials, made by an audiovisual company of his city.
He also directed two new animated short films between 2007 and 2008, which are participating of different national and international film festivals.
In 2007 Nico received worldwide attention with his performances of “digital speed paintings” posted on his YouTube´s channel, which has thousands of subscribers and more than 41 million of views.
He currently directs and edits his own comic book and illustrators’ magazine and works as a freelance illustrator and caricaturist for different business, companies and private clients from all over world.
Hola OMAR!!
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