Gianfranco Uber
David Petraeus, engaging in an extramarital affair, stepped down as director of the CIA
10 Nov 2012
Si dimette direttore Cia David Petraeus
09 Novembre 2012 23:19 ESTERI
(ANSA) - NEW YORK - Il direttore della Cia, David Petraeus, si e' dimesso, per aver tradito la moglie. Questo ''e' un comportamento inaccettabile'' per il leader dell'organizzazione, ha scritto nella lettera di dimissioni a Obama che le ha accettate. Il presidente americano ha tuttavia ricordato in una nota che l'ex generale ''ha fornito un servizio straordinario per gli Stati Uniti per decenni'', rendendo il Paese ''piu' sicuro e piu' forte''. Michael Morell e' ha preso il posto di Petraeus ad interim.
Tiziano Riverso
By Patrick Chappatte, The International Herald Tribune - 11/13/2012
Peter Brookes -15-11-2012 The Times
By Cardow, The Ottawa Citizen - 11/13/2012
Petraeus and Paula Embedded
Taylor Jones
David Petraeus
Adam Zyglis
Roberto Grassilli - Misfatto
15 November 2012
After General Petraeus another US Army General has been accused of sexual misconduct.
‘Godammit, soldier. In this man’s army you salute when a general passes by!’
mac - Mail Online
Petraeus Affair
Rick McKee
Military Sex Scandal
Rick McKee
Petraeus Scandal
Joe Heller
Petraeus,dossier Cia Bengasi fu cambiato
16 Novembre 2012 16:43 ESTERI
(ANSA) - NEW YORK - David Petraeus punta il dito sui vertici delle altre agenzie di intelligence federali, accusandole di aver modificato il primo rapporto Cia sui fatti di Bengasi in cui gia' si parlava di attacco terroristico. Lo ha riferito un parlamentare che ha assistito all'audizione dell'ex direttore della Cia in Congresso. Lo stesso parlamentare ha riferito che Petraeus ha risposto ''no'' alla domanda domanda se lo scandalo in cui è stato coinvolto può influire sulla sua testimonianza su Bengasi.
The sex scandal involving CIA Director General David Petraeus has provided cartoonists with a golden opportunity to demonstrate their wit and artistry. This cartoon is by John Cole, editorial cartoonist for The Times-Tribune.
A homosexual couple are having coffee. One of them is reading about the Petraeus scandal. His partner sighs, "This is what happens when heterosexuals are allowed to serve openly in the military".
Until the law was repealed last year, open homosexuality was banned in the US military. The so-called "don't ask, don't tell" policy replaced an outright ban on gay people serving in the military in 1993 under the Clinton administration. Under the policy, gay people were permitted to serve as long as they did not openly acknowledge their sexual orientation, while commanders were not allowed to ask. The irony is that it's the heterosexual Petraeus who has been who has been responsible for one of the biggest sex scandals to hit the US military—a fact not lost on the gay couple.
The Cagle Post has two cartoon collections about the Petraeus affair:
Petraeus Resigns and Petraeus Affair.
• David Petraeus: the downfall of a man and myth (The Telegraph)
• Timeline: Petraeus scandal (BBC News)
• Petraeus scandal: a readers' guide to the clandestine soap opera and its cast (The Guardian)
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