sabato 27 aprile 2019

Intervista a Sepideh Faramarzi

Dall'Iran, Sepideh Faramarzi, medico in medicina e caricaturista
Un altro capitolo dedicato alle vignettiste donne
Di Francisco Punal Suarez

From Iran, Sepideh Faramarzi, doctor in medicine and caricaturist
Another chapter dedicated to women cartoonists
By Francisco Punal Suarez

1.Where and in what year were you born?
I was born in 1986 in the city of Rasht, which is one of the cities of Iran.
2.Why do you like to draw?
From childhood, from the moment I knew myself, I had a unique relationship with the color and painting world and found painting as an integral part of my body and soul. from a childhood, I felt this deep feeling in every part of my life, a sweet sensation that came from me and brought me into the beautiful world of art. painting was an inevitable sensation, and a familiar sensation was inside me. And the more I grew this passion and enthusiasm inside me, became stronger until the day, I was able to express that familiar sense and my thoughts with my paintings. Painting is an inseparable part of my soul and my life, and I cannot live without painting.
3. Since when do you draw?
I was painting in childhood and adolescence, but I started painting professionally at July 2018. And my first work at the International Italian festival (s-coomix 2018, with school themewas awarded with a special prize.
4. When and where did you publish your first caricature?
my first work at the International Italian festival (s-coomix 2018, with school themewas awarded with a special prize . and my work was shown at the Italian exhibition in October 2018 and published in the International Festival of Italian Catalog (s-coomix 2018). And local publications also published my work and reflected this news.
5. What studies have you done?
I have participated in many art workshops and I did a lot of studies about artists around the world and how they worked. I also follow the daily issues in the world and do a lot of research in this field. Because it opens up my vision to the world around me and brings up new ideas in my mind.
6. How do you combine your work as a doctor with the of a cartoonist?
I am MSc in Human Genetics of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences. My goal is starting art, to combine medical genetics, and art together. And in this context, I have a very interesting idea that will surprised the world of art and genetics in the near future. And I want to introduce humans, a new world of medical genetics through a painting of new and fascinating artistic ideas and to show the combination of art and genetics.
7. What subjects do you like to draw? Why?
Currently, I have already done most of the international festivals, and I've worked in a variety of fields, such as cultural and educational, and new trends of  the world such as immigration, and so on. But one of my main concerns is the pursuit of women's issues, which I am planning and focusing more on.
8. What techniques do you use to draw?
Currently, I use the watercolor and ecoline technique as well as the hachure, which I emphasize more on the element of the line. Also, I use the combination of colors in a special way and drawing on different paper and cardboard.
9. Where do you currently publish?
I'm currently showing more of my work on my Facebook page. And also many of my works are exhibited on websites and national social media and groups.
10. How is a work day for you? 
A day of work for me is full of energy and enjoyment of all its moments, an indescribable pleasure without any fatigue that makes it possible for hours, without a rest, to convey all my inner feelings on paper. One day in my artistic work gives me an emotion that enables me to continue with all my soul and creates a memorable and influential work.
11.Why humor and satire is important for the society?
In my opinion, the concept of a lot of messages can be made very vividly and easily accessible through humor to people around the world, so that all humans can communicate with each other from any place in the world and in any age group, And exaggeration is the best way to show issues in an artistic way. And since humans have a better relationship with laughter, and there is no constraint on humor in the cartoon, this is a good way to send messages to the world, so that it can bring a smile to the people of the world. And in my opinion, the language of humor is the language of all nations of the world that does not need to be translated.

Part of my art prize and certificates at the international festivals :
  • Get a special prize and show my work at the International Cartoon Festival in Italy (2018)
  • Getting to the final and catalog in EURO-KARTONALE- Belgium (2019)
  • Get a certificate for participation in Welt Heimat international cartoon Contests (Germany)(2019)
  • Getting a certificate for participation in cebu lampoon festival- Philipines (2019)
  • Getting to the final in KalDer Bursa festival cartoon 2019 (Turkey)
  • Getting to the final and catalog 15th international cartoon of kussovo (2018)
  •  participate in  Best cartoon humer rumanian (2018)
  •  participate and show my posters at the International Poster Festival in South Korea (Seoul) (2018)
  • Cooperation in the judgment in children's painting competition in Happy Land (Iran, 2019)

2 commenti:

  1. You have a good sense of style. Your outlook on life is amazing.
    I admire your works and your vision. You just glow.

  2. You have a good sense of style. Your outlook on life is amazing. I admire your works and your vision. You just glow.
