Ogni anno WAN-IFRA mette a disposizione una serie di disegni per promuovere Press Freedom Day mondiale, che i giornali possono pubblicare liberamente.
Quest'anno in collaborazione con Cartooning for Peace sono stati scelti questi:
Plantu: Having started medical school, Jean Plantureux moved to Brussels to attend drawing lessons at Ecole Saint-Luc founded by Hergé. In 1972 he joined the newspaper Le Monde with a first cartoon on the Vietnam War. From 1980 to 1986 he collaborated with the newspaper Phosphore and since 1991 he has been publishing a weekly page in L’Express. In 1992 he won the "Rare document award" at the Angers Festival du Scoop for managing to get signatures by Yasser Arafat and Shimon Peres on the same drawing. In 2006 Plantu turned the wish he shared with Kofi Annan into reality – a large number of cartoonists were brought together and Cartooning for Peace finally saw the light of day.

Boligan: Originally from Cuba, Angel Boligán Corbo graduated in Fine Arts in Havana in 1987. He has lived in Mexico since 1992, where he works as a cartoonist for the newspaper El Universal, the magazine Conozca Más and the political humour magazine El Chamuco. He also chairs the agency CartonClub (latin caricature club).
Hassan: Artistic director, graphic designer and freelance cartoonist, Hassan Karimzadeh works for several Iranian publications, including Etemaad-e Melli (Confidence of the People). Hassan was jailed in 1992 for having produced a caricature representing the Ayatollah Khomeini. After countless campaigns of protest, Lawyers Without Borders were able to get him released after two years in prison.
Zlatkovsky: Zlatkovsky Mikhail lives and works as a political cartoonist in Moscow. Between 1999 and 2001, he moved to the United States before returning to Moscow where he is artistic director of a publishing conglomerate. He has won more than 200 awards worldwide and is considered by his peers as one of the greatest among them. His drawings are large frescoes where he deals with the major themes of freedom and democracy. Today, he is forbidden to draw Vladimir Putin, which prompts him to miss the liberal era of Boris Yeltsin.
Boukhari: Baha Boukhari has been a cartoonist since 1964. Working mainly for Al-Ayyam newspaper in Ramallah since 1999, he participates in many debates in Jerusalem and has had several problems with Hamas as a result of his cartoons.
fonte per richiedere i disegni in alta risoluzione
World Association of Newspapers (WAN) (Associazione mondiale della carta stampata) è un'associazione no-profit, non governativa costituita da 76 associazioni nazionali di giornalismo, 12 Agenzie di stampa, 10 organizzazioni regionali di media e redattori e giornalisti in 100 paesi.
Fondata nel 1948, l'associazione rappresenta più di 18 000 pubblicazioni in cinque continenti. I giornali rappresentano circa un business di 190 miliardi di dollari USA con 1,6 miliardi di lettori al giorno. I giornali veicolano pubblicità con la percentuale seconda al mondo (29,8%), superiore a bilancio combinato di radio, all'aperto (sul suolo pubblico ecc.), cinema, riviste e internet. Combinato con le riviste periodiche, la stampa è il mezzo di pubblicità più grande del mondo con una quota del 42 per cento.
Gli scopi principali sono:
- difendere e promuovere la libertà di stampa e l'indipendenza economica dei giornali come una condizione essenziale per tale libertà.
- sostenere lo sviluppo editoriale della carta stampata nel mondo e promuovere comunicazioni e i contatti tra i redattori di giornali di diverse regioni e culture.
- promuovere la cooperazione tra le organizzazioni aderenti, a livello nazionale, regionale o mondiale.
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