Marocco: un anno di prigione per aver pubblicato su facebook una caricatura del re. È la condanna inflitta al diciottenne Walid Bahomane per offesa ai valori sacri. Lunedì un altro giovane ha avuto tre anni per insulti a Mohamed VI, malgrado la riforma che di recente ha abolito la sacralità del monarca marocchino.
Damien Glez giustamente polemizza...
Polémique autour de ce dessin (lire http://
Damien Glez
Le Marocain Walid Bahomane a comparu devant un tribunal de Rabat, le 7 février, pour avoir, notamment, diffusé une caricature de Damien Glez sur Facebook. Le dessinateur écrit à la victime du dessin.
Damien Glez
I cartoonists di Cartoon Movement solidali partecipano:
Forbidden caricatures in Morocco
A 18 years old citizen from Morocco has been condemned to one year of jail for linking a Damien Glez caricature of the king of Morocco, Mohamed VI, in Facebook.The answer to this lack of FREEDOM:more caricatures to desacralize a taboo. the artistic community is invited to fight this "cancellation" of freedom of expression and of the people of that country, by performing his/her own "forbidden caricature"
19 Feb 2012
Get organized !
19 Feb 2012
King of Morocco
Mohammed VI don't like caricature... so, lets draw him!
19 Feb 2012
Royal cartoon
Mohammed VI is not the first king to be upset over caricatures
20 Feb 2012
Yes, I'm guilty...'s strictly forbidden to draw Morocco's king caricatures.
20 Feb 2012
Phobia of the king
the king does not like cartoons, perhaps because no one knows how ugly it is until you make a
20 Feb 2012
Mahomed VI
20 Feb 2012
Draw the king!
Mohamed VI doesn't Like to be drawn...
20 Feb 2012
heh... when you mess with one, you mess with the whole family...
20 Feb 2012
Dedicated to Mohammed VI
20 Feb 2012
Ed anche i cartoonists internazionali:
All cartoonist friends, our cartoonist colleague Jeander wrote: ”A 18 years old boy from Morocco has been condemned to prison for linking a caricature of the king of Morocco, Mohammed VI, in Facebook.King Mohammed is not the first king to be upset over a caricature.” Jeander also draw a cartoon alluding to the classic cartoon Philpon’s King Pear. I’ll now following the concept to draw my “King Pear of Morocco” and invite you to do the same.
Firuz Kutal
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