- Come ti sei conciato?
- Sto provando, ho mandato il CV a TwitterPORTOS / Franco Portinari
E' realmente accaduto
Fany si è iscritta a Twitter!
Dopo il Twittergate francese...
El Presidente Frances y el Twittergate #113622
By Frederick Deligne, Le Pelerin, France - 6/17/2012HOLLANDE BIRDS
Gianfranco Uber
FILM REMAKE based on the incredible "gaffe" of the french "Premiere dame" Valerie
16 Jun 2012
e la sceneggiata all'italiana di Paola Ferrari...

... mi è venuta la curiosità di iscrivermi!!
Qualche bella vignetta twitteriana:
e la sceneggiata all'italiana di Paola Ferrari...

... mi è venuta la curiosità di iscrivermi!!
Qualche bella vignetta twitteriana:
Gianfranco Uber
The potential dangerous control of information
28 Jan 2012
The dictatorship eats freedom, information and communication between people (based on a tweet that could not be sent because censored by the regime of any country...) 28 Mar 2012
My hero
Federico Ricciardi (Riko)
Twitter against Militarism
Vladimir Kazanevsky
Twitter and Facebook are fighting against world militarism. 21 Feb 2012
E L E N A . ospina
twetts... freedom of expression 05 May 2012
Tweets for peace
Bernard Bouton
Creating peace, together 22 Feb 2012
Super Twitter
Fadi Abou Hassan
Super Twitter 23 Feb 2012
We need the whole world to make this happen. Creating p
Fadi Abou Hassan
'World leaders cannot push back armed and nuclear conflict alone. We need the whole world to make this happen. Creating peace. Together.' 01 Mar 2012
The tweet squadron
Jean Gouders
... 27 Feb 2012
In a state of emergency!
Sofia Mamalinga
It's not possible to save peace without these 4 elements. But we need the whole world to make it happen 06 Mar 2012
Joseba Morales
The relation between Twitter and peace. 06 Mar 2012
Tweet for Peace
Bernard Bouton
Every tweet could be a message of peace 16 Mar 2012
Power of Twitter
Vladimir Kazanevsky
Power of Twitter. 23 Mar 2012
Giacomo Cardelli
"Peace is just a handshake away" #MasterPeace2014 SHURIV (@SHURIV) 07 May 2012

Peace Retweeted
Thodoris Tibilis
Based on the contribution of all those tweeters who retweeted and will retweet peace. 09 Jul 2012
El espantapajaros
By Angel Boligan,
El Universal, Mexico City, www.caglecartoons.com
PS: per quelli che hanno avuto la pazienza e la curiosità di leggere tutto il post,
Fany su Twitter è https://twitter.com/rsfany
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