...e speriamo bene!
Paride Puglia
Humour inglese nell'inaugurazione delle Olimpiadi londinesi con la partecipazione della regina Elisabetta. Per la prima volta Elisabetta si è prestata al ruolo di attrice.
Nei panni di una improbabile Bond girl, la regina, accompagnata dall'ultimo 007 Daniel Craig, a bordo di un elicottero, lascia Buckingam Palace e raggiunge lo stadio lanciandosi con paracadute.
Da l'avvio alla manifestazione suonando una grande campana il ciclista inglesevincitore pochi giorni fa del giro di Francia, con ancora indosso la maglia gialla.

Andy Davey from The Sun
This cartoon by Andy Davey from The Sun shows Team GB during the Parade of Nationsportion of the 2012 Summer Olympics opening ceremony, which is scheduled to take place in London tonight. Athletes from each country participating in the Olympics will parade in the Olympic Stadium, preceded by their flag. The flag will be borne by a sportsperson or official from that country chosen either by the National Olympic Committee or by the athletes themselves to represent their country.
In the cartoon, multiple-Olympic-gold-medal-winning cyclist Sir Chris Hoy is leading the parade, and carrying the Union Jack flag. Behind him comes Tour de France winnerBradley Wiggins (aka Wiggo), still wearing his yellow jersey. Cheering them on from the sidelines are Mayor of London Boris Johnson, and Lord Coe, chairman of the London Olympics Organising Committee (LOCOG). Coe says to Johnson, "Do you think this Wiggo thing is getting out of hand?"
Olympic Gold
By Dave Granlund, Politicalcartoons.com - 7/27/2012

Adams by Telegraph
PS: Azzurri in bocca al lupo!!
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