lunedì 30 aprile 2012

Secret Service sex scandal

New Secret Service Earpiece
By Chris Weyant, The Hill

11 US Secret Service agents and officers are being investigated over allegations that they brought back several prostitutes (at least 20 at the last count!) to a hotel in Cartagena ahead of President Obama's visit to Columbia for the Summit of the Americas last weekend.
The Cagle Post has a nice collection of cartoons about America's Secret Service sex scandal.

La squadra di agenti segreti che accompagnava il presidente al Summit of the Americas tenutosi nella cittadina colombiana di Cartagena de Indias è stata rimpatriata in tutta fretta perché, invece di pensare a proteggere Obama e i suoi uomini, è stata trovata a spassarsela nei locali notturni con prostitute giovanissime. fonte

Sex & Security
Alfredo Martirena
11 Secret Service and 10 military personnel are suspected of misconduct involving 21 women. The incident took place before President Obama arrived in Colombia for an economic summit. 18 Apr 2012

Secret Agent Man
By Bill Day, Cagle Cartoons

Cagle Cartoons

Secret Service scandal
By Dave Granlund,

Sex scandal
 By Olle Johansson, Sweden


Safe Arrival

New Secret Service Detail
M. Wuerker

Secret Service failures put Obama at risk, says author (ABC News - audio report)
At least 20 women involved in Secret Service scandal, senator claims (Daily Telegraph)
Secret service agents took 20 women to Colombian hotel, says senator (The Guardian)

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