venerdì 16 settembre 2022


 Mikhail Gorbaciov, 1931 - 2022

E' morto lo scorso 30 agosto, all'età di 91 anni Mikhail Gorbaciov, l'ex leader sovietico che pose fine pacificamente alla Guerra Fredda e sovrintese al crollo dell'Unione Sovietica .

Mikhail Gorbachev, 1931 - 2022

Mikhail Gorbachev, the former Soviet leader who brought the Cold War to a peaceful end and oversaw the collapse of the Soviet Union, dies aged 91.

disturbing stain by Joep Bertrams, The Netherlands

Good Bye Gorbachev

Chappatte -

Mikhail vs Vladimir

Chappatte -

Niels Bo Bojesen
31 ago

 #Gorbachev #Putin #Russia #Ukraine #SovietUnion #USSR

Dave Brown

Christian Adams on #MikhailGorbachev #Gorbachev #Putin

David Rowe on #MikhailGorbachev #Gorbachev #Putin

1 September 2022
Mikhail Gorbachev dies
Mikhail Gorbachev, the former Soviet leader who brought the Cold War to a peaceful end and oversaw the collapse of the Soviet Union, dies aged 91.

Marco De Angelis
31 August 2022
Remembering Mikhail Gorbachev with this cartoon from 1990
Farewell to Mikhail Gorbachev, the last president of the Soviet Union, the man of perestrojka and glasnost'. His policy of rapprochement with the West, which led to the end of the "cold war" and then the collapse of Soviet communism, earned him the Nobel Prize. Of the dozens of cartoons and caricatures that I have published about him, perhaps one of the most representative and "affectionate" is this one from the January 1990.

Inutile dire che il vero statista…. #GorbachevRIP #Putin
Peter Brookes

Russian Evolution REPOST by Taylor Jones, Hoover Digest

Adio Mikhail Gorbachev by Nikola Listes, Croatia,

#Gorbachev #putin #russia #satire #cartoon
Portos / Franco Portinari

È morto Mikhail #Gorbaciov, padre della perestroika.

un vecchio proverbio arabo recita: “Sui cadaveri dei leoni festeggiano i cani credendo di aver vinto. Ma i leoni rimangono leoni e i cani rimangono cani”. #Rizzo*
*= Rizzo ha festeggiato la morte di Gorbaciov 

Jeremy Banx

Mi ricordo perfettamente il tentato colpo di stato. La paura. Il sollievo. E poi la sconfitta.
Perché volevate forse vincere?
Buon viaggio #Gorbachev
Mauro Biani


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