This political cartoon competition is organized by the Oltreconomia Festival of Trento together with the #MyTakeOn project of the political cartoonist Emanuele Del Rosso.
Its theme is in line with the one of the sixth edition of the abovementioned festival, i.e. “Lands of Disobedience”. Lands – real or metaphorical – where civil disobedience takes place are everywhere. A positive and peaceful change has been achieved several times in history, and any of these experiences of civil activism taught us something. This competition asks cartoonists to tackle the theme of civil disobedience at large, so to give the public the chance to reflect on it in a fruitful way.
The contest is also sponsored by the Dutch and the Norwegian cartoonists collectives Cartoon Movement and Cartoon Home International and by the Italian Association “Strike!”.
Terms of Participation
1 - The competition is organized internationally and it is open to all amateur or professional cartoonists.
2 - The SUBJECT of the competition is "Lands of Disobedience". Under this title are topics like activism, peaceful protests, movements that oppose the status quo. Such lands can be real or imagined/metaphorical.
3 - As the competition is organized on an international scale, works without written text are most welcome. If a text is present, it must be accompanied by a caption in English.
4 - Any illustration technique is accepted. The size of the artwork should be at least A4 (29.7 cm x 21 cm), A3 (29.7 cm x 42 cm), 300 dpi, and JPG format.
5 - The works to be sent to the competition may have been published before but they should not have been awarded a prize in any competition. The award will be cancelled if the award-winning works are documented to have received a prize in another competition.
6 - It is possible to participate in the competition with maximum 3 works. Participants will not be given more than one award.
7 - Illustrations must be sent to the email: terre.contest@gmail.com
8 - The DEADLINE for the reception of the works is April 1, 2019. The illustrations submitted after this date will not be evaluated.
9 - The Oltreconomia Festival and #MyTakeOn project reserve themselves the possibility of using the received cartoons in various media and publications, newspaper and internet sites. All the participants, by sending works to the contest, acknowledge that they accept the conditions of the competition, and will not seek any future compensation in the event that the works they submit are used in the abovementioned ways.
10 - Members of the jury and members of the organizing committee cannot take part into the contest.
11 - The cartoons found appropriate by the jury might be exhibited at various events in different countries other than Italy.
12 - An exhibition will be held showing the first 30 cartoons.
Awards of the Competition
1st Award:
Prize Plate, exhibition, catalogue, Big “Mistery Box”
2nd Award:
Prize Plate, exhibition, catalogue, Medium “Mistery Box”
3rd Award:
Prize Plate, exhibition, catalogue, Small “Mistery Box”
2 Honorable Mentions (given
by the Cartoon Movement and
the Cartoons Home Network International):
certificate, exhibition, catalogue
Selection committee of the competition:
Tjeerd Royaards – Cartoonist / the Netherlands
Tjeerd Royaards is an award-winning Dutch editorial cartoonist. He has worked as a cartoonist for since 2005, ever since getting a master's degree in Political Science at the University of Amsterdam. Tjeerd is Editor-in-Chief of Cartoon Movement, a global platform for editorial cartoons and comics journalism. He is also on the Board of Advisors of Cartoonists Rights Network International and a member of Cartooning for Peace. Internationally his work is distributed by the New York Times Syndicate and has been published by CNN, BBC, the Guardian, Der Spiegel, Le Monde and many more.
Anne Derenne – Cartoonist / France
Anne Derenne (Alias ADENE)
is a French cartoonist and illustrator based in Madrid. She studied international economics, getting a Master degree in development economics in 2006. In 2011 she began her carrier as a freelance cartoonist. She is collaborating with Cartoon Movement and with different magazines and NGOs. Her artwork has been exhibited in a lot of collective international exhibitions worldwide and she has won several international prizes for her cartoons.
Fadi Toons - Cartoonist / Norway
Fadi Abou Hassan- FadiToOn, Norwegian with Palestinian origins, is a widely published and award-winning freelance cartoonist. He is Editor-in-Chief of Cartoon Home Network International, member of the Polish Good Humor Party, of the Dutch Cartoon Movement and of the French Cartooning for peace, Paris| France. His works appear in a number of widely known publications, such as Courrier International (Paris), The New Arab (London), Aljazeera.net (Qatar), Don Quixote magazine (Germany) and many more. He also organized three cartoons contests with his organization, featuring important cartoonists and sponsors.
Emanuele Del Rosso (Secretary) - Cartoonist / Italy
Emanuele Del Rosso is an Italian communication specialist and political cartoonist. Since 2016, he has been member of the Dutch collective Cartoon Movement. He publishes his illustrations on several online magazines and newspapers around the world. His works has been exhibited in cities like Amsterdam, The Hague, Paris, Trento, Ramallah. In September 2018 he won the second prize of the political cartoons contest ‘Libex 2018‘. In the same month he has also entered the best 100 Dutch cartoons of 2018 within the ‘Inktspotprijst‘ contest and he won the Italian ‘Strike‘ contest for young talents.
6 Edizione di OltreEconomia Festival a Trento
Fu il 15 di giugno del 1767 che Cosimo Piovasco di Rondò, mio fratello, sedette per l'ultima volta in mezzo a noi. Ricordo come fosse oggi. Eravamo nella sala da pranzo della nostra villa d'Ombrosa, le finestre inquadravano i folti rami del grande elce del parco. Era mezzogiorno, e la nostra famiglia per vecchia tradizione sedeva a tavola a quell'ora, nonostante fosse già invalsa tra i nobili la moda, venuta dalla poco mattiniera Corte di Francia, d'andare a desinare a metà del pomeriggio. Tirava vento dal mare, ricordo, e si muovevano le foglie. Cosimo disse: – Ho detto che non voglio e non voglio! – e respinse il piatto di lumache. Mai s'era vista disubbidienza più grave.Italo Calvino - Il Barone Rampante
Per Cosimo Piovasco - il Barone Rampante di Italo Calvino - tutto inizia il 15 di giugno del 1767 quando, in spregio alle regole della casa paterna, decide di trasferirsi sugli alberi e di non mettere mai più piede su quella terra dove ha conosciuto solamente autorità bieca e ingiustizia efferata.
Quegli alberi, con i rami verso il cielo e le radici saldamente ancorate alla terra che volle lasciare, diventano così la Sua terra di disobbedienza: non una fuga vile dalla società e dai rapporti umani bensì la necessaria costruzione di un nuovo punto di vista attraverso il quale intrecciare relazioni e contribuire al miglioramento dell'esistente. Per Noi, giunti oramai alla sesta edizione, è cominciato tutto in un caldo pomeriggio di fine maggio del 2013 al Parco Santa Chiara di Trento, quando sono stati piantati i primi semi di quella che, lentamente, sta diventando una foresta.
I drammatici sviluppi degli ultimi anni in termini politici, sociali, ambientali e culturali richiamano come non mai l’esigenza di trasferirsi su questi alberi. Come Cosimo Piovasco, non abbiamo alcuna volontà di isolarci in maniera miope al di fuori della realtà, ma costruiamo passo dopo passo un mondo altro, il Nostro mondo, che sia inclusivo, solidale, aperto e recettivo alle sfide che incombono quotidianamente. L’edizione di quest’anno sarà dedicata a quelle terre di disobbedienza, presenti e (auspicabilmente) future, dove si concentrano le più intense capacità e volontà di resistere e produrre un cambiamento reale dell'esistente.
Cinque giornate, dal 29 maggio al 2 giugno, ricche e dense di discussione e confronto dove le esperienze “rampanti” racchiuse nel mondo, con tutte le loro complessità e difficoltà, si intrecceranno nel nostro telaio di pratiche e voci fuori al coro.
Le robuste radici di Oef sostengono e forniscono linfa vitale a questo intenso processo di costruzione collettiva e partecipazione che ogni anno mobilita centinaia e centinaia di persone.
I suoi rami sempre più lunghi e robusti si innalzano giorno dopo giorno, sempre di più, superando inverni rigidi e puntando ostinatamente alla luna.
Coglierne i frutti spetta a noi.
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