The Italian Championship of Lies was born in 1966. The reasons that led to the creation of this competition are to be
found in the traditions of our little village over the Pistoia’s mountains, on the Italian Apennines, when in last
century people used to meet in front of a fireplace to tell stories that mixed reality and fictious. The Italian Lie
Academy, in occasion of the 42th Italian Lies championship, declares the graphics section contest dedicated to Lie.
General Rules
This year theme is: "The weather and the climate change".
1. The competition is structured in a single section.
2. Participation is free. Deadline for cartoon submission is Sunday, July 12th - 2018. Each participant can send up to 4
3. The entry form below must be completed in all its parts and sent along with the presentation of the works that take part
in the competition.
4. The paper must be sent by postal mail to: Accademia della Bugia-Pro Loco Alta valle del Reno, via della chiesa, 27- 51100
Le Piastre PT, Italy. Otherwise you can use our electronic mail address:
5. The comics can be written in your own language, but we advice that you can make a cartoon simply draw, without any
6. Italian Lie Academy will award the top three as follows: 1st place: "Gold Bugiardino". 2nd: "Silver Bugiardino". 3rd:
"Bronze Bugiardino". The Bugiardino is the symbol of the Championship and is the bell tower of the village with a long
nose, like the Pinocchio’s one.
It will be awarded with the "International Bugiardino" the best cartoon coming from abroad or drawed by a foreign
7. All the winning cartoons will be published on the website of the Italian championship of Lies (
8. The authors waive any fee related to copyright.
9. Prizes will be delivered during of the 42th Italian Championship of Lies thake place in to Le Piastre on 4st and 5th August
10. The works will be judged by a jury headed by the italian cartoonist Marco Fusi.

1° 2017 Mojtaba Heidarpanah, Iran
Marco Fusi italian cartoonist: jury president and art director of Italian LIE Championship contest
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