La potente organizzazione umanitaria, con sede nel Regno Unito, è finita nell'occhio del ciclone per le rivelazioni del "Times" su presunti festini ed orge con prostitute ad Haiti, subito dopo il terremoto del 2010. Oxfam si difende: "Non abbiamo insabbiato. Abbiamo licenziato i responsabili".
Secondo i media inglesi, lo scandalo rischia di travolgere anche altre Ong: nell'articolo di The Observer, vengono citati "comportamenti impropri" anche da parte di personale di Save The Children, Christian Aid e la Croce Rossa britannica.
NON PROFIT ? Gianfranco Uber
One of the largest humanitarian organizations in the world is likely to be overwhelmed by the scandal that sees many of its officials, officially engaged in the post-earthquake relief in Haiti, very busy in giving work to the local even minors prostitution
Una delle maggiori Organizzazioni Umanitarie del mondo rischia di essere travolta dallo scandalo che vede numerosi suoi funzionari, ufficialmente impegnati nei soccorsi post terremoto ad Haiti, molto indaffarati a dare lavoro alla prostituzione, anche minorile, locale.
12 Feb 2018
Martin Rowson on Oxfam sexual abuse scandal
Patrick Blower on Oxfam Scandal
Brian Adcock on perverts working for Oxfam
Morten Morland on Oxfam
From the sketchbook... #oxfamscandal
Morten Morland

Helping, the Oxfam way Tjeerd Royaards
Prostitution scandal in Haiti.
12 Feb 2018
Bado / Guy Badeaux
From Guardian
Oxfam is desperately trying to contain a growing crisis over allegations of sexual misconduct by its aid workers as it faces a crunch meeting with ministers today which could see it stripped of government funding. After revelations that staff paid prostitutes in Haiti for sex parties were followed by similar reports about aid workers in Chad, the charity’s chair of trustees, Caroline Thomson, said she was widening a review of its practices and admitted “anger and shame that behaviour like that ... happened in our organisation”. The international development secretary, Penny Mordaunt, will meet the charity today after warning the scandal had put its relationship with the government at risk, along with its £34m state funding. Oxfam’s chief executive, Mark Goldring, said he would emphasise to the minister the charity’s contrition and the changes it had made. “I’m going to repeat, as I have done to the British public, Oxfam’s apologies for those events.” In our comment section, columnist Matthew d’Ancona argues that the Oxfam scandal is no reason to cut off foreign aid.
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