mercoledì 8 dicembre 2010

GB: Dave Brown vince il "Political Cartoon of Year"

Independent’s Dave Brown wins Political Cartoon of Year

Dave Brown
A cartoon by The Independent's Dave Brown has been named Political Cartoon of the Year 2010.

Published in this newspaper the day after the Coalition government was formed in May, the cartoon shows David Cameron and Nick Clegg in a coal mine with the Liberal Democrat leader as the canary. Speaking at an awards ceremony organised by The Political Cartoon Society in London on Monday night, Dave Brown said the work reflected his belief "that Clegg was there as nothing more than personal protection for Cameron, an early warning of poisonous air ahead, and, of course, ultimately expendable."

Dave Brown previously won Cartoon of the Year awards in 2003 and 2006.
Click HERE for The Daily Cartoon collection

Nota: nella vignetta disegnata, subito dopo l'insediamento del nuovo governo,  il canarino che David Cameron tiene in mano, non è altro che Nick Clegg, l'altro rappresentante della coalizione salita al governo inglese lo scorso maggio.
Dave Brown ha detto che l'opera riflette la sua convinzione "che Clegg è lì come nulla più di una protezione personale per Cameron, un segnale di avvertimento in caso di aria velenosa, e,  alla fine sacrificabile. "
I canarini venivano usati nelle miniere per rivelare fughe di gas, grisou, con la loro morte ne segnalavano la presenza. 

Dave Brown 2003:

File:Dave Brown's Goya Ariel Sharon.jpg
"Monster eating Palestinian babies"- Dave Brown 2003 - The indipendent

Dave Brown' s cartoon of former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon as a "Monster eating Palestinian babies" in a paraphrase on Saturn Devouring One of his Children , a grotesque painting done by Francisco de Goya in 1819.

Dave Brown 2006:
Venus Substitute -Dave Brown 2006 by The Indipendent

Altre vignette di Cameron e Cleeg

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