Da Parma. In prima linea... ma purtroppo è così in tutto il mondo!
Grazie per tutto ciò che fate.
Avete un ❤️ grande così!
Milo Manara
#infermiere #infermieri #nurse #supereroi #coronavirus
Durando 5/03/2020
"Supereroi d'Italia" - dedicato a tutto il fantastico personale medico-infermieristico d'Italia... infinitamente GRAZIE
Marco D'Agostino
Grazie anche a loro: non sono invisibili, ma rischiano molto per salvarci.
Milo Manara
#Olympics2020 #HealthcareHeroes
Steve Sacks
#NewYork #NewYorkCoronavirus
Steve Sacks
Mauro Biani
Thanks for the applause...
but what we need is the protection!
Peter Brokes
Martin Rowson on the sacrifice of our #NHS staff
Grazie Tonus ❤️
E grazie ai 52 fra medici, infermieri e operatori cubani arrivati in Italia per aiutare il nostro sistema sanitario collassato.
Grazie Cuba
Quando tutto sarà finito, ricordiamoci di chi ci ha aiutati e di chi nei decenni ha tagliato fondi alla sanità pubblica per 45 miliardi di euro.
En el corazón mismo de la batalla. Aplausos para todo el personal de la salud, estén donde estén!
Jorge / Jorge Sánchez Armas - Cuba
Our current Most Valuable Players
Pat Bagley
New York Hero by Nuez.
Grazie Albania
Omar Perez
Onore ai Medici e infermieri Italiani❤️
Agim Sulaj
.nel nostro paese più di 110 tra dottori e infermieri morti dal virus...caduti...facendo il loro lavoro... salvare vite umane...
Michael Kountouris...
O bastão de Asclépio | The Rod of Asclepius
Para todos os profissionais de saúde que arriscam suas próprias vidas para salvar as nossas. OBRIGADO!
To all the healthcare workers who risk their own lives to save ours. THANK YOU!
Ai nostri draghi che lavorano negli ospedali. ❤️
#medici #infermieri #coronavirus #covid19 #andràtuttobene #iorestoacasa
Anna Laura Folena
Arriveranno le rondini anche per chi lavora negli ospedali per salvarci la vita.
Questa mia opera è un ringraziamento a tutti loro.
#medici #infermieri #coronavirus #covid19 #andràtuttobene #iorestoacasa
Anna Laura Folena
"Healthcare Heroes" Published today.
Day 20 Shelter in Place/Quarantine. The situation is horrific, New York has more cases than any country. NYC using mass graves. I've been shaking all day just thinking of the families, the victims, the essential workers...
Also, I am deeply saddened by the passing of Perry Rosenstein, a most gracious human being who devoted hiw life to advocate for human rights and the arts, founder of the Puffin Foundation, which I had the honor to collaborate with over the years.
I had to venture out today for a few minutes, it took me a LONG time to prepare and to sanitize after coming back. For the life of me, I do not understand why social distancing is not happening as it should! #StayHomeToSaveLIves
Quarantine activities today included: Freaking out, drawing, zoom meetings, online research, zoom lecture on Buddhism (seems like a good time to focus on the present moment,) therapy (phone,) laundry (whatever happens, please know that I had clean clothes on, kidding... kind of.)
Things that keep me -relatively- sane: Meditation, zoom yoga, zoom/texts/calls with family/friends, 7pm cacerolazo honoring essential workers (with my Tibetan singing bowl.)
Things driving me crazy: People not social distancing!
What I'm missing most today: Optimism.
What I'm most grateful for today: My husband, partner, rock.
Today's Freak Out Level (1/10): 8. Rage Level: 100. Sadness level: 10. Despair-o-meter: 10 (mass graves.)
How are YOU?
TODAY'S NUMBERS: USA: 459,165. NYC Cases: 92384, deaths: 5663.
Please take care everyone. Sending love and (virtual) hugs.
#Gratitude #Grateful #Coronavirus #Covid19 #Pandemic
#StayHome #Solidarity #StayHomeStaySafe #StayHomeSaveLives #StayHomeForEveryonesSake #FlattenTheCurve #CoronavirusPandemic #Covid19Pandemic #Care #UniversalHealthCare #AndreaArroyoArt #NYStrong #NewYorkArt #Manhattan #thenewyorktimes #feministartist #ArtSaves #ArtIsWork #HealthcareHeroes #EssentialWorkers #Doctors #Nurses #HomeAids #MedicalStaff ManhattanTimes\