David Rowe
“Per coloro che potrebbero chiedere cosa possono fare per onorare Neil, abbiamo una richiesta semplice. Onorate il suo esempio di servizio, successo e modestia, e la prossima volta che passeggiate all'aperto in una notte limpida e vedete la Luna che vi sorride, pensate a Neil Armstrong e fategli una strizzatina d'occhio.”
Invito pubblicato dai familiari di Neil ArmstrongARRIVED !
Gianfranco Uber
Neil Armstrong, the owner of the famous imprint left on the moon first, died yesterday at the age of 82 years. 26 Aug 2012
Martin Rowson by www.guardian.co.uk

«That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind» (Neil Armstrong, 1930-2012) 25 Aug 2012
Paolo Lombardi
Addio Armstrong, primo uomo sulla Luna.
Mauro Biani
Neil Armstrong dies.
Alfredo Martirena
First astronaut to set foot on the moon 26 Aug 2012
Neil Armstrong Fixed
By Steve Greenberg, Freelance, Los Angeles - 8/25/2012
Vale Neil Armstrong
By Peter Broelman, Australia - 8/25/2012
Last flight for Armstrong
By Frederick Deligne, Nice-Matin, France - 8/26/2012
Armstrong in paradise
By Frederick Deligne, Nice-Matin, France - 8/26/2012
Neil Armstrong
By Manny Francisco, Manila, The Phillippines - 8/26/2012
Neil Armstrong tribute
By Dave Granlund, Politicalcartoons.com - 8/26/2012
Neil Armstrong
By David Fitzsimmons, The Arizona Star - 8/26/2012
Neil Armstrong RIP
By Nate Beeler, The Columbus Dispatch - 8/26/2012
By Randy Bish, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review - 8/27/2012
Neil Armstrong
By Joe Heller, Green Bay Press-Gazette - 8/27/2012
Neil Armstrong
By Cardow, The Ottawa Citizen - 8/27/2012
The Man in the Moon
By Peter Lewis, Australia, Politicalcartoons.com - 8/28/2012
By Luojie, China Daily, China - 8/29/2012
Neil Armstrong R.I.P
Ramzy Taweel
To the Man who taught us ... one small step for man one giant leap for mankind. 26 Aug 2012
Mike Luckovich
8/28 Mike Luckovich cartoon: Neil Armstrong

This cartoon by Adams from The Daily Telegraph is inspired by the death of the American astronaut Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon.
The year is 3012 AD, and Armstrong's iconic footprint is still present on the moon's surface. But wait a minute, something is missing. Oh yes, it's the Earth.
Ciao Neil!
La vignetta di oggi si riferisce a questa triste notizia:
Moise Paolo Moisello
It saddens us to report that the first astronaut to walk on the Moon has passed away.
Neil's biography - http://www.nasa.gov/centers/glenn/about/bios/neilabio.html
fonte Nasa
Qualche Link:
Ecco le parole di Armstrong sulla luna. R.I.P.
Neil Armstrong, 1930-2012
Neil Armstrong: miniguida per evitare errori nei media