Visualizzazione post con etichetta Ann Telnaes. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta Ann Telnaes. Mostra tutti i post

martedì 7 gennaio 2020

5 anni dall'attacco di Charlie Hebdo

5 years without them    Miguel Villalba Sánchez (Elchicotriste)
My tribute to those great colleagues. Cabu was much taller, I only a space deal.
07 Jan 2020

Smile 5 years after    Vilma Vargas
After 5 years, we keep drawing with humor and courage
07 Jan 2020

the temptation of self-censorship    Bernard Bouton
5 years later, self-censorship must not win !
06 Jan 2020

Remembering Charlie Hebdo 2020    E L E N A . ospina
Freedom of expression threatened by fanaticism...
05 Jan 2020

Il y a 5 ans: le 7 janvier 2015. (le dessin publié dans Le Monde)

A Cartoonist Today    Paolo Lombardi
Charlie Hebdo attack 2015-2020
05 Jan 2020

The red line.    Ramses Morales Izquierdo
Cartoons make a red line to violence and radicalism
30 Dec 2019

Ann Telnaes
#CharlieHebdo #FreeSpeech

Joep Bertrams
J’étais Charlie #CharlieHebdo  #2015 #aanslag

Tjeerd Royaards
I made originally made this cartoon one year after the attack on Charlie Hebdo. I've been breaking my head to think of a new cartoon for the 5-year anniversary, but this image still seems very apt. So here it is again, with a minimal change. #CharlieHebdo

Five years after an attack by Islamist terrorists killed 12 of its people, satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo accuses social media platforms of leading 'new censorship' and 'new dictatorships': #CharlieHebdo #JeSuisCharlie

mercoledì 7 novembre 2018

Aspettando i risultati delle elezioni americane di Medio termine 2018

Elephant Trump

Seggi aperti in tutti gli Stati Uniti per le elezioni di metà mandato in cui gli americani sono chiamati a rinnovare gran parte del Congresso. Dalla East alla West Coast si registrano ovunque lunghe file che fanno presagire un'altissima affluenza. I repubblicani possono ancora perdere la Camera "ma nessun bagno di sangue": questa la posizione che sarebbe stata espressa da Donald Trump, secondo quanto riferiscono fonti a lui vicine in queste ore. Intanto secondo un sondaggio della Cnn:i l 39% degli elettori che sono andati oggi alle urne per la Camera nelle Midterm ha riferito che il suo voto era contro Donald Trump, il 26% a favore, mentre per il 33% il presidente non rappresentava un fattore di voto. Per il 56%, inoltre, il Paese è nella direzione sbagliata e il 41% su quella giusta. La sanità e l'immigrazione sono i due temi più a cuore agli elettori americani, quelli che hanno tenuto in considerazione esprimendo ai seggi le loro preferenze. E' quanto emerge da un sondaggio condotto dall'Associated Press quando i seggi sono ancora aperti in tutti gli Stati Uniti. Oltre la metà degli americani boccia Donald Trump. E' quanto emerge da un sondaggio condotto da Nbc, secondo il quale il 47% degli interpellati disapprova in modo forte il presidente, mentre un altro 7% lo disapprova in parte. Il 37% degli americani approva fortemente invece il tycoon mentre il 13% lo approva in parte.

C'è una prima vincitrice nell'Election Day delle midterm: Lou Leon Guerrero, democratica, è stata eletta governatrice del territorio di Guam, nel Pacifico. Lo riportano alcuni media americani. Da otto anni il governatore dell'isola era repubblicano.

Mr. Orange, Again!!.
FadiToOn 018

Did i mention the economy? David Rowe by FinancialReview
 #MidtermElections2018 #MidtermElections

What are the president's priorities?

My cartoon Friday @TheTimes. Liar,liar....#Trump should look to his own inflammatory rhetoric for US #PipeBombs.
Peter Brookes

Ognuno ha i suoi #selfie Le elezioni di #Midterm2018 viste da @makkox #Trump #SalviniIsoardi …
#goodmorning #trump #world #shithappens
#Midterms2018 #MidtermSunshine #MidtermsMatter #Midterms #trump #TrumpRally #usa
Luc Descheemaker

Joep Bertrams

ROLLING SANCTIONS    Gianfranco Uber
Trump Rolls the ball of sanctions targeting Iran to hit the EU too, adding also a disruptive effect by the exclusion of Italy and Greece.
Tiro ad effetto -Probabilmente anche per motivi elettorali (oggi il voto di midterm)  Trump ha fatto rotolare la boccia delle sanzioni contro l'Iran ma mirando anche alla UE. Ha anche abilmente aggiunto al tiro un effetto dirompente escludendo (per il momento) la Grecia e l'Italia.
Gianfranco Uber

America, your democracy has fallen on hard times- so go #VOTE
Ann Telnaes

POLITICO cartoonist Matt Wuerker takes on voting.

mercoledì 7 febbraio 2018

Un sogno non americano (Trump vuole una parata)

The un-American dream. New cartoon
Matt Wuerker

Donald Trump vuole organizzare a Washington a una grande parata militare come quella che si svolge ogni anno a Parigi per celebrare la presa della Bastiglia, con tanto di carri armati e di jet che sfrecciano in cielo colorandolo col blu, il bianco e il rosso della bandiera americana.
    "Voglio una sfilata come quella in Francia", avrebbe ordinato secondo il Washington Post il 18 gennaio incontrando i vertici di Pentagono e forze armate. Folgorato da quel che vide il 14 luglio scorso lungo gli Champs Elysees, ospite di Macron.

 Trump's wish for a military display 
Steve Bell

David Rowe

Steve Sack

Peter Brookes on Donald Trump as Napoleon

KAL on Trump and his great parade...

Theo Moudakis, The Toronto Star

A Parade for Trump    Tjeerd Royaards
Trump wants a military parade. Here’s the parade he should get. Also made a Gif you can see here.
08 Feb 2018

Military Hit Parade...

by Marian Kamensky, Austria



Steve Sack

Trump doesn’t need a parade. He needs a Roman triumph.
By Dana Milbank Opinion writer

The Post’s scoop about President Trump’s plans for a grand military parade in Washington brings to mind Evelyn Waugh’s classic satire about England’s upper crust in the early days of World War II, “Put Out More Flags,” named after a Chinese proverb:
“A man getting drunk at a farewell party should strike a musical tone, in order to strengthen his spirit . . . and a drunk military man should order gallons and put out more flags in order to increase his military splendor.”
I love a parade as much as the next guy (though perhaps not as much as the president), but there are problems with this particular idea, as The Post’s Greg Jaffe and Philip Rucker note. Seventy-ton tanks “would chew up Pennsylvania Avenue blacktop,” big displays of missile launchers would make us look like North Korea, and the expensive parade would belie the Pentagon’s poverty pleas while perhaps also reminding people that the commander in chief sat out Vietnam with bone spurs.
There is a better way.
The obvious purpose of the parade is not to celebrate the troops, as the White House professes, but to celebrate Trump. Hence, his wish to have the parade before the November election (and the military’s wish to have it after). Given the real goal, the model that would best suit Trump has much older roots than a May Day or even a Bastille Day parade. What Trump needs is a Roman triumph.
The triumph was a public ceremony, including a parade, to celebrate as a near-deity the emperor or a triumphant general — complete with laurels, thrown flowers, adoring troops, war spoils and vanquished enemies in chains. It is, in short, just the sort of parade Trump would enjoy if done in his honor.
The ritual was originally meant for a returning general who had conquered territory and killed at least 5,000 of the enemy, but it was later changed to honor emperors and members of their families. Trump qualifies as a victorious commander, having vanquished enemies foreign (Islamic State) and domestic (Cryin’ Chuck Schumer), and as an emperor, having said that those who don’t applaud him commit treason against the state.
First in the Roman triumph procession were the magistrates and members of the Senate; first in the Trump triumph would come Devin Nunes, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Tom Cotton and the other magistrates supportive of Trump. Next in the Roman triumph came the spoils of war: gold and silver, treasures, and paintings and carvings showing moments from the conflict. In Trump’s triumph, the spoils would include models of Trump hotel and golf properties, the nuclear football, a float with a very large button, and chunks of the border wall, carried by Mexicans.
Next in the Roman triumph, to the crowd’s jeers, came the captured prisoners in chains: leaders, soldiers and sometimes family members, to be put on display after the parade or executed. Trump’s triumph would feature all his foes, in irons: the “dreamers,” NFL players who kneel for the national anthem, women who alleged sexual misconduct by Trump, the fake-news media, Robert Mueller, James Comey, FBI agents, Puerto Ricans, Trump’s primary opponents, Hillary Clinton, Steve Bannon.
Next, in a cloud of incense, would come the Roman general, or emperor, in a chariot driven by four horses, holding a laurel branch and scepter and wearing a purple and gold tunic and a painted toga. A slave would hold a golden crown over his head. The emperor’s children and courtiers rode alongside his carriage on horseback, followed by the soldiers in togas and laurel crowns, shouting “Io triumphe” — Hail, triumphant — at their leader.
Trump’s triumph would use identical trappings, though he might eschew the toga for a more tasteful flight suit. Donald Jr., Eric Trump, Jared Kushner, Stephen Miller and John Kelly would escort him on horseback. Instead of troops shouting “Hail triumphant” at Trump, handling that duty would be Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson and other Fox News personalities.
Toward the end of the Roman triumph procession, two white oxen were sacrificed at the Temple of Jupiter and the prisoners killed. Trump’s triumph, by contrast, would pause outside the Trump International Hotel. Though executing his opponents could be problematic, Trump might stand in the middle of Pennsylvania Avenue and shoot somebody, just for symbolism.
Mission accomplished!
There’s only one problem with this plan, as I see it. In the Roman triumph, a slave would ride with the general in his chariot and repeatedly whisper into his ear, “Memento mori”: Remember, you are mortal.
For our parading president, this could be a dealbreaker.

Twitter: @Milbank

sabato 13 gennaio 2018

Quel 'Genius' di Trump!

© Ann Telnaes

Genius, si così si è definito quel genio di Trump  pochi giorni fa, ed ieri ha di nuovo fatto scalpore con le sue parole:

Ancora una volta Donald Trump fa infuriare il mondo intero, aumentando il suo isolamento sul piano internazionale e alimentando quello che oramai è più di un sospetto: la sua inclinazione a posizioni razziste e xenofobe, come nelle ultime ore hanno accusato le Nazioni Unite. Dall'Africa all'America Latina si solleva un'onda di indignazione senza precedenti. Proprio come quella provata dai membri del Congresso - repubblicani e democratici - presenti nello Studio Ovale quando il tycoon e' sbottato sulla questione immigrati, pronunciando l'ennesima frase shock: "Ma perche' gli Stati Uniti devono continuare ad accogliere questa gente da questo cesso di Paesi?". [...]

En av mina första publicerade Trumpteckningar (6 augusti 2015)
One of my first Trump cartoons. (Augusti 6th 2015)
© Riber Hansson

Shithole Country
© Matt Wuerker

He is thinking...
© Ramses


© Ben Jennings

Trump shock: "I do not want immigrants from Haiti, El Salvador and African states: countries' coffers". The UN: "It is racism".
You Wash your mouth out with soap. #ShitHoleCountiries #trumpRACIST #soap
© Durando

© Gary Huck

© Ellekappa

The Equation    Gianfranco Uber
'...not smart, but genius...and a very stable genius.'
08 Jan 2018

The Nightmare
 "non voglio immigrati da quei cessi di Paesi".
Così molto signorilmente Trump comunica ufficialmente di voler chiudere le frontiere nei confronti di Haiti e El Salvador.

The Equation    Gianfranco Uber
'...not smart, but genius...and a very stable genius.'
08 Jan 2018
©Uber President of the United States (on my first try). I think that would qualify as not smart, but genius....and a very stable genius at that!

Mauro Biani

martedì 15 agosto 2017

Violenza a Charlottesville

A Charlottesville un mezzo sulla folla che contestava il raduno dei nazionalisti. «Atto intenzionale». Vittima una donna di 32 anni, una trentina i feriti. Scontri nelle strade.
Trump evita condanne esplicite. Si schianta al suolo anche un elicottero della polizia: due morti

For my money the first cartoon I saw on the supremacist controversy is by far the best. This gem is by my pal JP Trostle (JAPE) out of North Carolina. There have been lots of terrific cartoons on this topic, but speaking as a cartoonist JP hit this one out of the park and knocked out the lights three stadiums over!
The concept is simple. I admit a quick ache of professional jealousy for not having thunk that one up myself. The art seems alive, you can almost feel the marchers move across the page, the flickering of the torches, the sound of goose-stepping boots. Every cartoonist has played with the imagery of trumps hair...JP gives that tired allusion life and passion. The expressions are priceless, showing the full
range of our deluded president's disgraceful performance. It connects him to those losers with a subtle touch....Trump as their tool, guiding light, inspiration.
JP set a very high bar with this one. It's not many cartoons that keep drifting back into my mind with the power of this one. In concept and artwork this is cartooning at its finest.
Steve Sack

Violence on many sides. Sad! (hate)
Violenza su molti lati. Triste! (ODIO)
dragon chow (cibo per drago)
Steve Sack

where's whats-his-name?
Barry Blitt

La famiglia
Vasco Gargalo

Bed hair
David Rowe


Traces from Charlottesville...

Come non essere d'accordo sulla condanna della violenza?
Come non possiamo criticare chiunque dimentichi di averlo seminato?
La posizione di Trump troppo morbida sui supremastisti bianchi di Charlotteville mette i repubblicani in difficoltà, ma questo non è forse  è il frutto delle alleanze con i neo-nazisti e con il Ku Klux Klan nella campagna elettorale?

Hot Wheels"
#Charlottesville #Virginia #WhiteSupremacy #noplaceforracism #racism #StopTheHate #Trump #ProtestingHate

Supremacy    Omar Perez
White House
15 Aug 2017

Ann Telnaes


UNITING THE RIGHT IN THE RIGHT PLACE    Miguel Villalba Sánchez (Elchicotriste)
In the ass.
15 Aug 2017



Ivano Sartori : "Stati Uniti, dove la fiaccola del razzismo è sempre accesa
«Nessuno nasce odiando qualcun altro per il colore della sua pelle, per la sua storia o per la religione». Questa frase di Mandela, ripresa dall'autobiografia del Premio Nobel per la pace ed ex presidente sudafricano, è stata e lanciato via Twitter da Obama dopo i fatti di Charlottesville. In tre giorni ha raggiunto oltre tre milioni di likes, diventando così il tweet più amato della storia di Twitter."