Art flashmob "War in Ukraine"
Cari artisti, fumettisti, illustratori e designer, professionisti e dilettanti, adulti e bambini! Tutti coloro che hanno a cuore il destino di un paese coraggioso che sta lottando con l'aggressione russa!
Il quotidiano parlamentare "Voice of Ukraine" si offre di unirsi al flashmob internazionale di cartoni animati e disegni "Guerra in Ucraina".
Si prega di inviare all'indirizzo e-mail del quotidiano "Voice of Ukraine" disegni in formato orizzontale A4-A3, jpg, RGB, qualità ad alta risoluzione. Nell'oggetto della lettera, scrivi "cartoon war". Il nome del file deve essere composto dal tuo nome, cognome, paese. Ad esempio: taras_shevchenko_ukraine_1.jpg
Insieme ai lavori creativi, invia brevi informazioni su di te.
Su richiesta dell'autore, viene mantenuto l'anonimato.
Grazie per l'aiuto!
Gloria all'Ucraina!
Combattiamo insieme il terrore!
Art flashmob "War in Ukraine"
Dear artists, cartoonists, illustrators and designers, professionals and amateurs, adults and children! Everyone who is not indifferent to the fate of a brave country that is struggling with Russian aggression!
The parliamentary newspaper "Holos Ukrainy" offers to join the international flashmob of cartoons and drawings "War in Ukraine".
Please send to the e-mail address of the newspaper "Holos Ukrainy" drawings in horizontal format A4-A3, jpg, RGB, high resolution quality. In the subject of the letter, please write "cartoon war". The file name must consist of your name, surname, country. For example: taras_shevchenko_ukraine_1.jpg
Along with creative works, please send brief information about yourself. At the request of the author, anonymity is maintained.
Thanks for support!
Glory to Ukraine!
#saveukraine #stadingwithukraine #stopwarinukraine #supportukraine #russiainvadedukraine #stoprussia
Let's fight terror together!
Cartoons by Italian cartoonist Marco De Angelis
Marco De Angelis (born in Rome in 1955) is an Italian cartoonist, illustrator, professional journalist, graphic designer. He published from 1975 on over 200 newspapers in Italy and abroad: Il Popolo, La Repubblica (he was redactor of these dailies), Il Messaggero, Il Mattino, Grazia, Gialli Mondadori, Panorama, ComicArt, Help! The New York Times, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Herald, Vancouver Sun, Tampa Tribune, Courrier International, Le Monde, Nebelspatler, Yez, Fire, Fenamizah and many others. CartoonArts International and The New York Times Syndicate, Cartoon Movement, Go Comics, distributed his satirical works worldwide. His cartoons and illustrations are published on over 100 books and 500 catalogs, and several websites.
He is illustrator of many children’s books for Giunti, De Agostini, La Scuola, Lapis, Salani, ELI and other publishers and he was collaborator of many associations, companies and televisions. He won the Golden Palm in the Salon of Humor of Bordighera in 1997, two Prize Council of Europe and several first prizes (Istanbul, Tehran, Belgrade, Sisak, Dolo, Siena, Pescara, Fano, Krusevac, Chieti, Città di Castello, etc.), a total of over 130 italian and international awards.
He was editor of WittyWorld and now he is one of the creators and editor in chief of the magazine online Buduàr ( He is member of cartooning for Peace.