LLAMADO a todos los caricaturistas del planeta!
8th Iinternational Cartoon Contest
Iinternational Festival of Brillant Minds
La Ciudad de las Ideas
8th Iinternational Cartoon Contest
Iinternational Festival of Brillant Minds
La Ciudad de las Ideas
1. The contest is open to professional or amateur artists from around the world. You must be at least 18 years old to participate.
2. All work submitted must be completely original and unpublished. No work can participate simultaneously in any other contest or event.
3. The idea to develop is the following:
Play to Win
We have spent many years, occupied many ink, pointing out what is wrong with the world and everything remains the same. Often, we make a drawing with the idea of having a change of consciousness in someone, in somewhere, the idea of making a change, a difference. In this edition of the festival of brilliant minds we want to know something different, what would you do to win? To win peace, more love in the world, financial stability, global equity, empathy, respect, social, personal, or politic growth, to win at everything that you perceive we are losing as humanity.
A game has players and rules. You can win and lose in some way, what do you propose TO WIN our game? How can we WIN? Or maybe in order to win, would we have to lose something? What should we have to lose so that we can win? What games should we have to be playing to win? And, what are we going to win?
Play to Win
Reflect your impression on or your answer to this question, or even another question, on a cartoon. To judge the works, the following will be taken into account: the the ability to approach the main theme of the contest, the creativity, and the mastery of the technique(s) used for the cartoon creation, among others.
*The organizers reserve the right to eliminate all works considered to be offensive or that violate human rights from the contest.
4. Each contestant can only participate with 3 different works (those contestants who send more than 3 works will be disqualified). Works will only be received on the official website of the La Ciudad de las Ideas festival.
5. All techniques will be eligible (digital or manual, color or b/w).
6. The work may not exceed the following sizes: cartoons may be submitted in 21cm x 29cm or a proportional size. If it is a digital work, the resolution must be no less than 300dpi and no more than 10Mb.
7. If the contestant submit physically his/her original work, the following information shall be attached in a sealed envelope:
•Author’s full name and pen name
•Author’s photo or cartoon self-portrait
• Address:
• Phone number
• Email:
• Nationality:
• Title of each cartoon:
• Is this the first time you compete in this contest?
• Brief biographical summary (CV, maximum 15 lines).
8. The contestant will sign a certification. If the work is sent via electronic, the contestant should only click on the acceptance box; but, if the work is physically sent, he/she should sign and include the following caption:
“I, (name of the author), hereby certify being the author of this work and I transfer the rights of the work hereinabove to the 8th International Cartoon Contest of La Ciudad de las Ideas 2016, ‘Play the Game’. I, (name of the author), agree with the submission of this work under the contest rules, the use thereof for purposes deemed relevant by Poder Cívico A. C.”
SIGNATURE: ________________________
9. Works can be sent by two different ways: physical or electronic.
Physical: send the author’s information in an envelope to the following address:
8th International Cartoon Contest
Play to Win
Reforma 222, Piso 12, Colonia Juárez, Delegación Cuauhtémoc, C.P. 06600, México D.F.
Electronic: the form must be filled out and the works must be uploaded on the following website:
*Fill out a form for every work submitted. The resolution of each work must be no less than 300dpi and no more than 10Mb.
10. The selected works will be exhibited in Puebla, Mexico, on November 18th, 19th and 20th, 2016, and they will also appear in various media of Poder Cívico A. C., such as social media of La Ciudad de las Ideas.
These cartoons will only be used for festival spreading in various media, including reproduction in catalogs, postcards, books, internet or television under the agreements with sponsors.
11. This call will be effective from 15 July until 18 September, 2016. Entries sent by mail or courier service should have such date registered as deadline on the postmark or mail.
12. The contest results will be announced on the official website of La Ciudad de las Ideaswww.ciudaddelasideas.com, on Twitter @cddelasideas, and on Facebook www.facebook.com/Cddelasideas
Winners will be notified by e-mail address included in the information submitted. Please ignore any confirmation mail if it does not contains the domain ciudaddelasideas.com or podercivico.org.mx
13. The jury will be selected by Poder Cívico A. C. and it will be empowered to solve any situation related to the contest resulting from a breach of the rules. The prize may be declared void if the jury deems that none of the works presented have sufficient quality, whose decision will be final. The jury members will be announced once the call is ongoing.
14. Non-winning original works may be claimed by the authors at Poder Civico A. C. offices three months after the ruling. Any unclaimed original work will remain in the custody of Martha Barragán Méndez, for the return of works after the date established by Poder Civico A. C.
15. Prizes
• First place:
- An all-expense-paid trip to Puebla, Puebla, Mexico including: transportation, lodging and foods.
- A ticket to attend the International Festival of Brilliant Minds: La Ciudad de las Ideas which includes more than 30 conferences from personalities who are changing the world.
- Access to alternative festival activities, theme parties, artistic interventions, exhibitions and more.
- The presentation of his/her work during the International Festival of Brilliant Minds: La Ciudad de las Ideas framework.
- A certificate that will be presented to the winner during the International Festival of Brilliant Minds: La Ciudad de las Ideas framework.
• Second place:
- An all-expense-paid trip to Puebla, Puebla, Mexico including: transportation, lodging and foods.
- A ticket to attend the International Festival of Brilliant Minds: La Ciudad de las Ideas which includes more than 30 conferences from personalities who are changing the world.
- Access to alternative festival activities, theme parties, artistic interventions, exhibitions and more.
- The presentation of his/her work during the International Festival of Brilliant Minds: La Ciudad de las Ideas framework.
- A certificate that will be presented to the winner during the International Festival of Brilliant Minds: La Ciudad de las Ideas framework.
• Third place:
- An all-expense-paid trip to Puebla, Puebla, Mexico including: transportation, lodging and foods.
- A ticket to attend the International Festival of Brilliant Minds: La Ciudad de las Ideas which includes more than 30 conferences from personalities who are changing the world.
- Access to alternative festival activities, theme parties, artistic interventions, exhibitions and more.
- The presentation of his/her work during the International Festival of Brilliant Minds: La Ciudad de las Ideas framework.
- A certificate that will be presented to the winner during the International Festival of Brilliant Minds: La Ciudad de las Ideas framework.
Three honorable mentions will be awarded. Each of them will have a certificate that will be sent during the post-festival days.
Note: Prizes cannot be paid in cash nor be transferred to another person.
If you come from abroad, please have a valid passport and visa in order to attend to the Festival in Puebla, Mexico so you can accept your prize.
Martha Barragán Méndez “Mar”
Coordinator of the International Cartoon Contest of
International Festival of Brilliant Minds: La Ciudad de las Ideas
Social Media:
Twitter: @cddelasideas
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Cddelasideas
Instagram: https://instagram.com/cddelasideas/
Webpage: www.ciudaddelasideas.com
For questions or comments contact:
Tel: +52 (55) 5140-3660 / +52 (55) 8582-5340
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