mercoledì 16 aprile 2014

Il Pulitzer 2014 a Kevin Siers

Fonte Bado's blog


Vincitore del Premio Pulitzer 2014 Kevin Siers cartoonist del The Charlotte Observer
Premio assegnato a Siers  per il suo pensiero provocatore e vignette disegnate con spirito acuto, audace ed originale stile artistico .
Finalisti con Kevin, David Horsey e Pat Bagle.

Editorial Cartooning
For a distinguished cartoon or portfolio of cartoons, characterized by originality, editorial effectiveness, quality of drawing and pictorial effect, published as a still drawing, animation or both, Ten thousand dollars ($10,000).
Awarded to Kevin Siers of The Charlotte Observer for his thought provoking cartoons drawn with a sharp wit and bold artistic style.

David Horsey of Los Angeles Times
For his wide ranging cartoons that blend skillful caricature with irreverence, causing readers both to laugh and think.
Pat Bagley of The Salt Lake Tribune
For his adroit use of images and words that cut to the core of often emotional issues for his readership.

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